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Everything posted by aehimself

  1. What OS the application is running on? Also, are you reusing your threads or creating and freeing them up as needed? On Windows 2000 creating and freeing up threads lead to the same error for me (probably due to memory fragmentation, idk) and the solution was to simply reuse threads.
  2. aehimself

    Using bold text in Listview

    It's not working with a global variable because you cannot make sure that it has the right value the moment the ListItem (re)draws an item (e.g. during scrolling). Instead, you have to tie this data to each independent node. Declare a type, e.g.: TListItemData = Class public BoldText: Boolean; End; Then, when adding a list item: var li := ListItem1.Items.Add; li.Data := TListItemData.Create; (li.Data As TListItemData).BoldText := True; To make sure you are not leaking memory, add an OnDeletion handler to your ListView: If Assigned(Item) Then Begin TListItemData(Item.Data).Free; Item.Data := nil; End; After all this, in your custom draw methods you can check the object's property: If Assigned(Item.Data) And (Item.Data As TListItemData).BoldText Then Sender.Canvas.Font.Style := [fsBold] Else Sender.Canvas.Font.Style := []; I did not run this code so some minor adjustments might be needed but the basics are this. Also, instead of a custom class you simply can create and assign a PBoolean to Node.Data, but a class is more versatile if you want to add more properties later on.
  3. aehimself

    Querying mvnrepository

    When you open the site in your browser you can check all the network calls made for the site to actually load. If you are lucky there will be an API call which returns the file list in a well-known format. Even if there is one, I don’t know however if you are allowed to query that API… the site owner will be able to tell you the legal parts.
  4. aehimself

    Querying mvnrepository

    In your browser it works because there are some JavaScript generating / fetching the data from somewhere else with your browser happily renders. You’ll need TEdgeBrowser or something similar to actually render it for you and then process the visible document.
  5. I wonder where @RRUZ got this unit. IF we are talking about the same component, according to it, TEditControl has two published properties: property CaretX: SmallInt; property CaretY: Integer; If we can find out how to access this type from a Delphi application (even without source) I'm sure TEditControl could be accessed via it's handle and some pointer magic...
  6. That's a pity. Unfortunately the source of TEditControl and TCustomEditControl is buried somewhere so we can not be sure what it can do, what it will reply to. Worths a try though, maybe...
  7. And here I thought the chatgpt hype died down already. Got proven wrong yet again 🙂
  8. Stupid question… can we integrate SpamAssassin or a similar (automatic) content checking to trigger flagging posts (posters) as spam?
  9. To open a file you can use DDE, which @Attila Kovacs got working some time ago: As for repositioning, you can try to get the handle of the editor control and send a EM_SETSEL message. That would be my approach, that is.
  10. aehimself

    Better Translator Manager - Custom component

    Resource strings are prefixed with the unit name they are in; so it should be named LocNavigator_pumAutoIns It must be there. Never met any resource string left out by BTM.
  11. aehimself

    Parsing Json to retrieve nested record

    Including the checks if a specific branch exists or not, you also can use the built-in System.Json unit: Var jo, coinmech: TJSONObject; recenum, tubeenum: TJSONValue; records, tubes: TJSONArray; begin jo := TJSONObject(TJSONObject.ParseJSONValue(Memo1.Text)); If Not Assigned(jo) Then Exit; Try records := jo.GetValue<TJSONArray>('records'); If Not Assigned(records) Then Exit; For recenum In records Do Begin coinmech := recenum.GetValue<TJSONObject>('coin_mech'); If Not Assigned(coinmech) Then Continue; tubes := coinmech.GetValue<TJSONArray>('tubes'); If Not Assigned(tubes) Then Continue; For tubeenum In tubes Do Begin WriteLn('Tube found, ID:' + tubeenum.GetValue<String>('tube_id')); // ... // Add a new record in a MemTable...? End; End; Finally FreeAndNil(jo); End; The code can be siplified significantly but this way you can see what is happening, how TJSONObject handling works. The code above produced the following output:
  12. Might still be disabled…? @Daniel can confirm this.
  13. While it works, storing and using data in the UI is never a good idea. If one day you want to change the ListBox to something else you’ll have to rewrite the whole logic. I’d suggest parsing (deserializing) the JSON into your custom class, filling the ListBox and extracting the ID from there when needed.
  14. aehimself

    Universal Firebird Server

    Short answer: never. Long answer: there are always code breaking changes in code or in protocols which will make older applications to be unable to communicate with never versions. This is why - if you really can not upgrade - we are using virtual machines with legacy OS-es hosting legacy applications. As ESXi is free you can also have your “museum” built this way but be aware that these legacy systems are usually extremely vulnerable to attacks in todays world.
  15. aehimself

    DCPCrypt v.2.0 - 64-bit?

    I am using DCPCrypt in 64 bit applications without any issues but I remember that I had to dig for a package as there was one which didn’t compile. I’ll check later today which version I’m using and where exactly I downloaded it from. Edit: ReadMe simply say I'm too using v2 but I cannot find any reference to the sub version number. I still need to confirm this somehow but I think I'm using the SourceForge version. Do you have a code snipplet which fails to compile or it's the package itself? Edit-edit: my archive which has the source is called "dcpcrypt-code-r16-trunk.zip". So I'm pretty sure it's the SourceForge version 🙂
  16. Thats very subjective, isn’t it? 🙂 DevExpress indeed slows down Delphi - which is perfectly normal as it adds hundreds of components to the palette. But in my experience this only affects the load time of the IDE itself, not the appearance of your first form / unit on the screen! Which one you have an issue with?
  17. aehimself

    Remove quotes from a string

    Use TJsonValue.AsString instead of .ToString and your values will be properly converted and dequoted.
  18. A set has its limitations but can work in some cases. But you also can use Case: Case myInteger Of: 0, 15, 1999, 65535: Begin // DoSomething End; Else Exit; End;
  19. aehimself

    Jason array into a listbox

    You simply can iterate through the members of the array, like: Var jval: TJsonValue; jarr: TJsonArray; begin // jarr := myJson.GetValue(‘drinks’) As TJsonArray; for jval in jarr do // … end; p.s.: sorry, I can not find how to format as code from my phone 😞
  20. aehimself

    Simple ORM

    Instead of “SELECT * FROM MyTable WHERE ID = 99” use “SELECT * FROM MyTable WHERE ID = :pID”, then assign the value 99 for the parameter named pID.
  21. A .dproj file refers to a Delphi project but the error message says it’s looking for a C++ builder license. I’m not sure what to do with this information though; is it possible that your file associations are off? You can reset all associations from the Tools menu somewhere, you can give it a try if Delphi is starting up without a project.
  22. Try updating your external dependencies. I had the very same issue with an older MySQL driver a while ago.
  23. aehimself

    Hosting a console in a Delphi Application

    Minimum code I used is: procedure TForm1.FormCreate(Sender: TObject); Var windowstyle: Integer; appthreadid: Cardinal; cmdhandle: THandle; Begin cmdhandle := FindWindow('ConsoleWindowClass', 'Command Prompt'); // Hide title bars and borders of launched application windowstyle := GetWindowLong(cmdhandle, GWL_STYLE); windowstyle := windowstyle - WS_CAPTION - WS_BORDER - WS_OVERLAPPED - WS_THICKFRAME; SetWindowLong(cmdhandle,GWL_STYLE,windowstyle); // Attach the container applications input thread to the launched ones, so that we receive user input appthreadid := GetWindowThreadProcessId(cmdhandle, nil); AttachThreadInput(GetCurrentThreadId, appthreadid, True); // Docking. Change the parent of the launched application WinApi.Windows.SetParent(cmdhandle, Self.Handle); SendMessage(Self.Handle, WM_UPDATEUISTATE, UIS_INITIALIZE, 0); UpdateWindow(cmdhandle); // Make the docked window fill all the client area of the container SetWindowPos(cmdhandle, 0, 0, 0, Self.ClientWidth, Self.ClientHeight, SWP_NOZORDER); // This prevents the parent control to redraw on the area of its child windows (the launched application) SetWindowLong(Self.Handle, GWL_STYLE, GetWindowLong(Self.Handle, GWL_STYLE) Or WS_CLIPCHILDREN); // SetForegroundWindow(WindowHandle); // SetFocus(WindowHandle); End; This does not take care of resizing the docked window if the form resizes and you also have to keep an eye on if / when your docked application closes. Also it includes no error checking / handling. The result is as expected:
  24. aehimself

    Createprocess won't die

    PING -t will continue to ping until you manually terminate it (usually Ctrl-C in your window). The code above does what it is told - read until the process ends; but the process will never die due to the -t switch. As your main thread is stuck in this loop you have but a handful of options: - Introduce a counter in the cycle. Exit the repeat-until cycle when the counter reaches a specific amount - Start a secondary thread before the loop, passing the process handle to it. The secondary thread can then kill the process at any time, causing the loop to break - You also can use a timer but you have to inject a message pump in your inner loop - Move this method to a thread and spam it across with "If Self.Terminated Then Exit". Start your thread and kill it any time from your main application with mythread.Terminate I'd go with option 4 as that is going to leave the UI useable during execution.
  25. aehimself

    Good data grid for VCL and FMX

    SMComponents does that and their grid comes with many other interesting features while being as simple as possible. It's even free...! I almost ended up replacing my own DBGrid descendant with these when I had enough of tinkering around trying to fix it's issues 🙂