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Everything posted by aehimself

  1. aehimself

    JSON text validation...

    Sorry about it, then. I really thought these methods are already in 10.2. You can check where an exception is raised in System.JSON in that earlier version and then simply backtrack to see what conditions you need to meet. Unfortunately I don't have a 10.2 installation anymore to check.
  2. Result: The code was written in D11 but I tried to keep it as simple as possible. I hope D4 supports the below calls... Type TTreeNodes = Array Of TTreeNode; procedure TForm1.Button3Click(Sender: TObject); Var added: TTreeNodes; begin SetLength(added, 0); CopyNodes(Source, Target, added); Target.Expanded := true; end; function TForm1.IsInArray(inTreeNode: TTreeNode; inArray: TTreeNodes): Boolean; Var a: Integer; begin Result := False; For a := 0 To Length(inArray) - 1 Do If inArray[a] = inTreeNode Then Begin Result := True; Exit; End; end; procedure TForm1.CopyNodes(inSource, inDestination: TTreeNode; var inCopied: TTreeNodes); Var a: Integer; tv: TTreeView; tn: TTreeNode; begin tv := inSource.TreeView As TTreeView; For a := 0 To inSource.Count - 1 Do Begin If Not IsInArray(inSource.Item[a], inCopied) Then Begin tn := tv.Items.AddChild(inDestination, inSource.Item[a].Text); // Do data copying, whatever SetLength(inCopied, Length(inCopied) + 1); inCopied[Length(inCopied) - 1] := tn; If inSource.Item[a].Count > 0 Then CopyNodes(inSource.Item[a], tn, inCopied); End; End; end;
  3. aehimself

    JSON text validation...

    What overloaded versions you have? Any with TJSONParseOptions will do.
  4. aehimself

    JSON text validation...

    I only have 10.4.2 so I don't know if this version is available on 10.2, but you can try with var jv: TJSONValue; tb: TBytes; begin tb := TEncoding.UTF8.GetBytes(Edit1.Text); Try jv := TJSONObject.ParseJSONValue(tb, 0, [TJSONObject.TJSONParseOption.IsUTF8, TJSONObject.TJSONParseOption.RaiseExc]); jv.Free; Except On E:EJSONParseException Do Begin ShowMessage('JSON can not be parsed at path ' + E.Path + ', line ' + E.Line.ToString + ', position ' + E.Position.ToString); End Else Raise; End;
  5. aehimself

    Zeos on Delphi 11.2

    Aaaah, okay, it's clear now. I thought LibraryLocation isn't working for you for some reason. @miab's version is a lot more elegant though, that way all your apps can access their correct version of DB libs without any further effort.
  6. aehimself

    Zeos on Delphi 11.2

    In theory LibraryLocation should work just fine, I'm using it in my main application without issues. There's no reason copying it right next to the executable would be needed. This might worth looking into. Can this be reproduced in a minimal app?
  7. aehimself

    Zeos on Delphi 11.2

    Completely. Pure design time packages can only be compiled in 32 bit as the Delphi IDE itself is 32 bit only. If the runtime packages already compiled to 64 bit you are good to go. Just install the design time package and start coding 🙂
  8. We have a fairly large C# solution at work, currently using Visual Studio as an IDE. Slow as hell, sluggish and memory-hog, but Intellisense did not stop to function for me; not even once in the past 4 years. Delphi's LSP was never "stable". I tried D10.2, 10.4, 10.4.2 and now 11.2. Even in relatively small projects (~30-60 units) Code navigation (Ctrl + Click) is uncommon, Code completion usually shows only the default options, wiggly lines everywhere but you still can run your project just fine. I prefer Delphi and do dislike VS as an IDE, but Intellisense is superior in every way in my opinion. LSP is just still immature.
  9. aehimself

    D11.2 + FireDAC + MySQL 64 bit not working

    +1 Also don't forget that some libraries might require LibSSL and LibCrypto to be available.
  10. aehimself

    Zeos on Delphi 11.2

    The bug you mention has nothing to do with Zeos. Delphi 11 messed up the default library location and attempted to use 32bit DCUs on Win64 platforms. You can even correct it by hand after installation, there was even a post about it here in the D11 thread. I believe this was the faulty entry, just add "\Win64" after it and it starts to work.
  11. aehimself

    Zeos on Delphi 11.2

    I do, on a daily basis; I'm not connecting to PostgreSQL though (Oracle, MsSQL, MySQL and sometimes SQLite are my main targets). I can confirm that Zeos works on 64 bit with D11.2. The error above means that the given library was found but can not be used for whatever reason (LoadLibrary failed). I am playing this with MySQL x86 lately, as probably the DLL is so out-of-date (Oracle is not providing a fresh libmysql.dll for a while) that some needed functions do not exist. If you are absolutely sure the architecture of the DLL matches your project target, try using a more recent version. Or an alternative, if that exists - in my example, libmariadb.dll x86 works just fine. Edit: consider using Zeos 8. It's not yet considered as "release-ready" officially but it's rock solid and brings some great improvements. Afaik, it mostly lacks documentation only. Edit-edit: Zeos 8 comes with a D11 package so you can just double-click and install.
  12. aehimself

    JSON text validation...

    As it turns out , manually you can use TJSONValue.ParseValue and TJSONByteReader just like TJSONValue.ParseJSONValue does. But instead of throwing an exception, just mark the wrong items, using TJSONByteReader.OffsetToPos to get the line / character position from the offset. When an error happens, just skip 1 byte in TJSONByteReader and repeat. In theory, this could work.
  13. aehimself

    JSON text validation...

    If you use System.JSON and parse with exceptions enabled, it'll tell you where an error is. However, it will only show the first error and not all, but at least it's a built-in option.
  14. aehimself

    No one can help

    There can be multiple reasons Wrong database design from the beginning Either the person had no understanding how it should be done or thought that the small amount of data what it will hold won't cause further issues. Then it grew out of control. To be honest (especially in newer applications) developers tend to completely ignore edge cases, lower hardware specs. "It works on my PC" Legacy dragging on This is exactly the case at us at work. Application was created ~20 years ago, when DB backends worked completely different and the architecture was functioning correctly. Now with thousands of tables and TBs of data stored it's not an easy task to start to split these so when a customer complaint comes in, we fix that one. At this speed the redesign won't be done in the next 5 years for sure and expose us to a risk that once done we'll have to start it again due to backend changes. Can't reproduce Not just the amount of data but the data itself can cause issues. Generally speaking, due to GDPR and confidentiality we, the developers aren't allowed to access and work with production data. When an export is needed, data is obfuscated before loaded in our test systems and this obfuscation itself is already changing the data. Once I spent days before figuring out that a rendering issue was caused by a BOM left in a BLOB field (customer just uploaded a file instead of using our editor), which was simply trimmed during obfuscation. As quick as possible, no future in mind This is especially true for commercial software unfortunately. Customers want more and more, quicker and quicker. In lots of occasions new features are added on a "quantity over quality"-basis. Just get it to work, get us paid, customer is happy - at least for now. This isn't necessarily a management issue as recognizing the need for, as well as optimization itself needs knowledge, time and manpower. Depending on the size, a company can lack many of this. These are just my 2 cents. Nothing is unfixable, question is always: at what cost.
  15. aehimself

    How to open a file in the already running IDE?

    I implemented the DDE API's execution code and there is a significant difference immediately. If you first open a large project (.dproj) which takes about 5-10 seconds to load, then a form / frame which takes about the same in rapid success, when using WIndows messages the form is often not loaded however the DDE server says it was accepted and processed. When using the DDE API, both are opened successfully. Maybe something is missing from the WIndows message version...? If it doesn't disturb you or you are not opening multiple files right after each other, you can safely ignore this.
  16. aehimself

    How to open a file in the already running IDE?

    @Attila Kovacs If you are interested, I managed to get execution of DDE commands to work with the API so you can ditch all windows message logic: Procedure TAEDDEManager.ExecuteCommand(Const inCommand: String; Const inConv: HConv; Const inTimeoutInMs: Cardinal = 5000); Var datahandle: HDDEData; res: LongInt; Begin datahandle := DdeCreateDataHandle(_ddeid, @PChar(inCommand)[0], Length(inCommand) * SizeOf(Char), 0, 0, CF_TEXT, 0); If datahandle = 0 Then Raise EAEDDEManagerException.Create('Creating data handle failed, DDE error ' + DdeGetLastError(_ddeid).ToString); If DdeClientTransaction(Pointer(datahandle), DWORD(-1), inConv, 0, CF_TEXT, XTYP_EXECUTE, inTimeOutInMs, @res) = 0 Then Raise EAEDDEManagerException.Create('Executing command failed, DDE error ' + DdeGetLastError(_ddeid).ToString); // If Not DdeFreeDataHandle(hszCmd) Then // Raise EDelphiVersionException.Create('Could not free data handle, DDE error ' + DdeGetLastError(_ddeid).ToString); End; This way the only method which needs reimporting is DdeInitializeW. inConv can come from DdeQueryNextServer or DdeConnect. As HDATA_APPOWNED is NOT defined as flag, freeing up the data handle will be performed on the DDE server side - that's why that last part is commented out.
  17. After solving some mysteries in DDE I decided to extend my Delphi instance helper with a new method: to launch a new Delphi instance of a selected version. The theory is simple: launch bds.exe and return the TDelphiInstance object only when the IDE is available (this was removed to further simplify the calls happening). While the new process starts, I'm getting Access violation at address 00000000 in module 'Project3.exe'. Execution of address 00000000 upon: - Calling ShowMessage (WinApi.CommCtl : 13107, TaskDialogIndirect) Result := _TaskDialogIndirect(pTaskConfig, pnButton, pnRadioButton, pfVerificationFlagChecked) - Application.ProcessMessages loop (Vcl.Forms : 11460, TApplication.ProcessMessage) DispatchMessageW(Msg) - Closing the instance which was created by CreateProcess (error raises in ProcessMessages, just like above) From the third appearance I believe I'm not using CreateProcess correctly (in theory, after closing all handles my application should have nothing to do with the instance created) but if I move the code out of TBorlandDelphiVersion to the project itself, it just works. Launching the exe is performed as follows: Function TBorlandDelphiVersion.NewDelphiInstance: TDelphiInstance; Var StartInfo : TStartupInfo; ProcInfo : TProcessInformation; ec: Cardinal; Begin Result := nil; FillChar(StartInfo, SizeOf(TStartupInfo), #0); StartInfo.cb := SizeOf(TStartupInfo); FillChar(ProcInfo, SizeOf(TProcessInformation), #0); If Not CreateProcess(PChar(_bdspath), nil, nil, nil, False, CREATE_NEW_PROCESS_GROUP, nil, nil, StartInfo, ProcInfo) Then RaiseLastOSError; Try // If Not GetExitCodeProcess(procinfo.hProcess, ec) Then // RaiseLastOSError; // // WaitForInputIdle(procInfo.hProcess, INFINITE); Repeat If Not Assigned(Result) Then Begin Self.RefreshInstances; Result := Self.InstanceByPID(procinfo.dwProcessId); End; Until Assigned(Result);// And ((Result.IDEHWND <> 0) Or Result.FindIdeWindow) And Not Result.IsIDEBusy; // Normally here, removed for simplicity Finally CloseHandle(ProcInfo.hThread); CloseHandle(ProcInfo.hProcess); End; End; I attached the full source of said class, you can reproduce the issue by... Uses AE.DelphiVersions; procedure TForm3.Button1Click(Sender: TObject); begin ShowMessage(ni.ToString); End; procedure TForm3.Button2Click(Sender: TObject); Var dv: TDelphiVersions; c: Cardinal; begin dv := TDelphiVersions.Create(nil); Try c := dv.LatestVersion.NewDelphiInstance.PID; // Self.Caption := c.ToString; // This works, no exception is raised ShowMessage(c.ToString); Finally FreeAndNil(dv); End; end; function TForm3.ni: cardinal; Var dv: TDelphiVersions; begin dv := TDelphiVersions.Create(nil); Try Result := dv.LatestVersion.NewDelphiInstance.PID; Finally // FreeAndNil(dv); // If you do not free this up, exception is raised in ShowMessage. End; end; MadExcept reports no buffer under- or overruns, no memory, handle or any other leaks are reported by DeLeaker. I never really used CreateProcess, and never actually managed to produce an execute at address AV up until this point. Can anyone point me to the right direction? P.s.: Using Delphi 11.2, compiled app is 32 bit, cannot check if the issue will appear anywhere else. AE.DelphiVersions.zip
  18. aehimself

    CreateProcess causing some strange Access Violations

    As it turns out, the AV isn't caused by CreateProcess or anything related to it. The reason I wasn't able to reproduce it in a small bench application is I have a TDelphiDDEManager class created, which is however unused in the sample, but it calls DdeInitializeW. In the moment I comment that line out (or won't create the DDEManager instance) the AV disappears, PID is shown correctly, everything works like a charm. Question is, is it because of improper parameterization (like in UnpackDDElParam and FreeDDElParam) or I'm calling that wrong... Anyway, getting closer 🙂
  19. aehimself

    CreateProcess causing some strange Access Violations

    Unfortunately (?) yeah, it has a valid address: There is also a check around this block in CommCtrl, if the method is not found we wouldn't even come to this block: if ComCtl32DLL <> 0 then begin @_TaskDialogIndirect := GetProcAddress(ComCtl32DLL, 'TaskDialogIndirect'); if Assigned(_TaskDialogIndirect) then Result := _TaskDialogIndirect(pTaskConfig, pnButton, pnRadioButton, pfVerificationFlagChecked) // Exception is raised here end;
  20. aehimself

    CreateProcess causing some strange Access Violations

    I only called ShowMessage, which requires nothing but a string to display. I checked all parameters and confirmed that pszContent indeed contains the PID I'm about to display, but never thought of _TaskDialogIndirect being nil... it's in Delphi VCL after all. I just checked and yes it seems, it does point to a valid memory address:
  21. aehimself

    CreateProcess causing some strange Access Violations

    Calling UniqueString(_bdspath) before the CreateProcess call still produces an error. Maybe it's even unnecessary...? https://www.oreilly.com/library/view/delphi-in-a/1565926595/re354.html "If you cast a string to PChar, Delphi also ensures that the PChar points to a unique instance of the string. If you modify the string through the PChar pointer, the other references to the original string are safe." I don't know, I am in completely uncharted territory here. Never had to think more of PChar castings than if a method needed it instead of a String.
  22. aehimself

    CreateProcess causing some strange Access Violations

    I was unaware of this, and even MSDN specifies it as IN only. Do you maybe have some references I can look into? Changing it to pc: PChar; Begin [...] GetMem(pc, Length(_bdspath) + 1); Try StrPCopy(pc, _bdspath); If Not CreateProcess(pc, nil, nil, nil, False, CREATE_NEW_PROCESS_GROUP, nil, nil, StartInfo, ProcInfo) Then RaiseLastOSError; Finally FreeMem(pc); End; still throws the AV. I am really baffled by the nature of this issue. Popping up at window messages, and being "execution at address" I'd say it's like a memory corruption. I have doubts though as commenting out the two CloseHandle lines will delay / get rid of these. That clearly points to improper use of CreateProcess...
  23. aehimself

    Global Variable value "resets"

    I'm always using a "subscriber model" when it comes to logging. I have a singleton class, with 2 important methods: Subscribe and Log. You can subscribe with a TLogProc = Procedure(Const inLineToLog: String) Of Object; for example, which is only adding the method pointer to a TArray / TList. Logging uses a critical section and loops through all subscribed loggers, like: Procedure TMyLogger.Log(const inLineToLog: String); Var logrefproc: TLogProc; s: String; Begin TMonitor.Enter(Self); Try s := '[' + DateTimeToStr(Now)+ '] ' + inLineToLog.Trim; For logrefproc In _logrefprocs Do Try logrefproc(s); Except // Swallow logger exceptions. End; Finally TMonitor.Exit(Self); End; End; This way you can call MyLogger.Log from any thread and the message will be distributed to all subscribed loggers. This way, printing to the console window, appending to a TMemo, saving it to a local file and pusing it up to the cloud can all happen - if you wish. As you already seem having some kind of a logger object, moving it to a separate unit and using this logic should suit your needs well. Just make sure the logging methods aren't taking long AND are synchronized, as they will be called by the thread's context! When you have lots of entries I found it easier to add them to a TList<String> object and using a TTimer to dump the contents and empty the list every second or so: Procedure TLogFrame.InternalLog(const inLogWhat: String); Begin System.TMonitor.Enter(_linestolog); Try _linestolog.Append(inLogWhat + sLineBreak); Finally System.TMonitor.Exit(_linestolog); End; End; Procedure TLogFrame.LogTimerTimer(Sender: TObject); Begin LogTimer.Enabled := False; Try System.TMonitor.Enter(_linestolog); Try If _linestolog.Length > 0 Then Begin LogMemo.Lines.BeginUpdate; Try LogMemo.Text := LogMemo.Text + _linestolog.ToString; CursorToEnd; _linestolog.Clear; Finally LogMemo.Lines.EndUpdate; End; End; Finally System.TMonitor.Exit(_linestolog); End; Finally LogTimer.Enabled := True; End; End; And my OCD forces me to tell you, that can be simplified to: if (uLogAbstractor.loglvl <> LOG_LVL_DBG) Or FLogger.FLogDebug then memoLog.Lines.Add(FLogger.FLastMsg);
  24. aehimself

    No one can help

    Without seeing the code it's really hard to tell what is eating up the memory. I also have zero experience with FireDac, but... I suspect you have a query, with a DBGrid connected and this query also downloads the BLOB. The issue is that the query will at least download all the blobs for all records which are visible in the grid, worst case it downloads all. This is already using up a huge amount of memory. When you assign the value to a string, you allocate even more memory, resulting in OOM. What I'd try is to exclude the blob from the main query, add a second query with SELECT blobfield FROM MyTable WHERE ID = x. You can open this manually upon record change, load the data in the RichEdit and close it immediately. That should minimize the memory usage.
  25. aehimself

    How to open a file in the already running IDE?

    https://github.com/aehimself/AEFramework/blob/master/AE.DelphiVersions.pas finally updated, if anyone will need this in the future. I'll attempt the reporting sometime next week. Never did that before 🙂