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Everything posted by neumimnemecky

  1. This is my new project, where I try to open bmp file and save it as jpg with NativeJPG by Simdesign. https://sourceforge.net/projects/ahk...t.zip/download I did not uploaded images. Folder img should be created and in it bmp.jpg . Why nothing is created? procedure TForm1.LoadJpegFile(const AFileName: string); var bmp_filename, JpgFileName, dest_path: String; begin BMP_filename := 'F:\bmp.bmp'; JpgFileName := '.\img\bmp.jpg'; dest_path := ExtractFilePath(JpgFileName); if not DirectoryExists(dest_path) then CreateDir(dest_path); if not fileexists(bmp_filename) then begin showmessage('File not found: '+bmp_filename); exit; end; try Bmp.LoadFromFile(bmp_filename); Jpg.CompressionQuality := 100; Jpg.Assign(Bmp); Jpg.SaveToFile(JpgFileName); // nothing happens? finally end; end;
  2. neumimnemecky

    Why jpg image is not created?

    Thank you. I think it's better to use SetCurrentDirectory(). Once applied I could use dot. Maybe a question. Does Delphi 7 have an option to set command line parameter? Like myprogram.exe workingpath=F:\images ??? I think I have seen this usefull feature in Visual Studio (C/C++).
  3. neumimnemecky

    Why jpg image is not created?

    dest_path = '.\img\' And jpg is type TsdJpegGraphic So it works fine but the folder is not the folder I expected.
  4. On D7 I try to install the package from here: https://github.com/acbarbosa1964/simdesign/tree/master/simlib/nativejpg There are some dependencies on simdesign-master\simlib\general so I have tried to create my own package with general and compile/build it. Also the simdesign-master\simlib\nativejpg\packages\NativeJpgD7.dpk I have tried with the same error. in general/sdStringtable.pas on line 75 there is this component needed: TsdStringTable = class(TsdDebugComponent) which is contained in simdesign-master\simlib\debug\sdDebug.pas But still the error is like it is not declared. Any advices how to compile this for Delphi 7?
  5. I have created "corrected" the instalation package. Changes made from this: requires rtl, vcl, visualclx, vcljpg; contains NativeJpg in '..\NativeJpg.pas', sdJpegBitstream in '..\sdJpegBitstream.pas', sdJpegDCT in '..\sdJpegDCT.pas', sdJpegCoder in '..\sdJpegCoder.pas', sdJpegHuffman in '..\sdJpegHuffman.pas', sdJpegLossless in '..\sdJpegLossless.pas', sdJpegMarkers in '..\sdJpegMarkers.pas', sdJpegTypes in '..\sdJpegTypes.pas', sdFileList in '..\..\disk\sdFileList.pas', sdSortedLists in '..\..\general\sdSortedLists.pas', sdBitmapResize in '..\..\bitmap\sdBitmapResize.pas', sdMapIterator in '..\..\bitmap\sdMapIterator.pas', sdColorTransforms in '..\..\color\sdColorTransforms.pas', sdVirtualScrollbox in '..\..\virtualscrollbox\sdVirtualScrollbox.pas', sdDebug in '..\..\general\sdDebug.pas', sdJpegImage in '..\sdJpegImage.pas', sdBitmapConversionWin in '..\..\bitmap\sdBitmapConversionWin.pas', sdGraphicTypes in '..\..\bitmap\sdGraphicTypes.pas', sdStreams in '..\..\general\sdStreams.pas'; end. to this NativeJpgD7_repaired_next_try.dpk: requires rtl, vcl, vcljpg, GR32_D7; contains sdJpegTypes in '..\sdJpegTypes.pas', NativeJpg in '..\NativeJpg.pas', sdJpegBitstream in '..\sdJpegBitstream.pas', sdJpegCoder in '..\sdJpegCoder.pas', sdJpegDCT in '..\sdJpegDCT.pas', sdJpegHuffman in '..\sdJpegHuffman.pas', sdJpegImage in '..\sdJpegImage.pas', sdJpegLossless in '..\sdJpegLossless.pas', sdJpegMarkers in '..\sdJpegMarkers.pas', sdDebug in '..\..\general\sdDebug.pas', sdFileList in '..\..\general\sdFileList.pas', sdSortedLists in '..\..\general\sdSortedLists.pas', sdStreams in '..\..\general\sdStreams.pas', sdMapIterator in '..\..\bitmap\sdMapIterator.pas', sdBitmapConversionWin in '..\..\bitmap\sdBitmapConversionWin.pas', sdBitmapResize in '..\..\bitmap\sdBitmapResize.pas', sdStringTable in '..\..\general\sdStringTable.pas', sdColorTransforms in '..\..\color\sdColorTransforms.pas'; end. Also I have added simlib\general to search path. The required GR32_D7 was auto added but not it created new problem: [Warning] Unit 'NativeXmlNodes' implicitly imported into package 'NativeJpgD7_repaired_next_try' [Warning] Unit 'NativeXmlCodepages' implicitly imported into package 'NativeJpgD7_repaired_next_try' [Error] Never-build package 'NativeJpgD7_repaired_next_try' requires always-build package 'GR32_D7' I don't understand why the GR32 was forced to be added into package. I am so happy. Job done.