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Mark- last won the day on August 15 2022

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  1. Mark-

    Using TFDConnection for MS Acceess .accdb

    Yes it is possible, we and some of our customers connect to MS Access. Not the most used database, but used. From our user manual: Direct connect to the data base At least these three parameters must be present for direct connection to a database via ODBC. DriverID ODBCDriver Database A DSN can be used and then just a DataSource parameter is needed. I know it worked when I tested it but, I have never seen a user apply it. All I have seen is the first example and it is what I use. Mark
  2. It does not work on my Notepad++.
  3. Not the versions on my computer.
  4. Does not work in 10.2. I just checked three other text editor programs and MS word was the only one that supported it.
  5. Mark-


    Hello, Delphi 10.2.3, FireDAC, OBDC. I am using Excel for testing. When the Excel cell contains text I can set the "align" property in a TDBEdit and all is fine. The right column values are numbers and the alignment only applies when the cell is in edit mode, the "align" property of TDBEdit is applied, In "browseMode" the alignment seems to be overridden from the TFieldDataLink of TDBEdit, which is not exposed. Anyone run across this before? Thanks, Mark
  6. Thanks for the response. The syntax has a problem but, changing to SELECT * FROM `Sheet1$A1:A1` was accepted. The result is interesting. TomF, I am using FireDAC and ODBC.
  7. Thanks for your response. It needs to be accomplished with SQL and I can say after many hours of trying, it is not possible. Excel does not provide a naming scheme to access a cell, like, "B2" via SQL queries. If it does, no one has ever documented the syntax and published it. I tried a few formats, no joy. It really, is not surprising. SQL/databases are all about records/tables and its structures. Or that is the way it appears to me. A single cell, does not fit the table name/field name paradigm.
  8. There are a few commercial MQTT clients. Or you could write your own code. The MQTT protocol is not very complicated, by design.
  9. Yeah IIRC, a broker can select to, not answer a connect message or return an error message. Does the broker documentation state the version(s) or MQTT it supports?
  10. What does that mean? A trace using Wireshark has no response from the broker?
  11. What is the response? Or no response?
  12. Sorry no. I do not use it. I would search for the 0x12 ($12), or the text of the protocol name.
  13. The packet fixed header byte for "Connect", regardless of 3.1 or 3.11, is 0x10. The lower 4 bits of the packet fixed header are reserved. The packet fixed header byte for 3.1:
  14. Hello, Delphi 10.2.3, FireDAC, OBDC. Does an SQL query exist that can read a single cell from an Excel spreadsheet? Thanks, Mark