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Everything posted by Mark-

  1. Hello, We and our customers have used many email servers/services to send notification emails. A customer wanted to use Outlook.com and was unable to send a test message. Normally we put the email address in the “RcptName” list and the person’s name in the “HdrTo” property. I investigated and found Outlook.com required the header “to” field must be or contain the email address. We used: RcptName.Add('example@123ABC.com') HdrTo:=’Bob’ With OutLook.com we had to use: RcptName.Add('example@123ABC.com') HdrTo:= 'example@123ABC.com' Or RcptName.Add('example@123ABC.com') HdrTo:= 'Bob <example@123ABC.com>' Anyone predict a problem using: “HdrTo:= Bob <example@123ABC.com>” with all servers/services? Thanks, Mark
  2. Hello, Thanks for the reply. >...it is normal for that to have friendly name and email address. Good, so I will make the change to send both in all instances. Cheers, Mark
  3. Mark-

    DelphiAWSSDK v0.3.0

    Has anyone used this code?
  4. Please publish the results, I am most interested.
  5. Are you planning any testing/bench marking to verify they are a better option?
  6. Mark-

    CPas - C for Delphi

    Thank you.
  7. Mark-

    CPas - C for Delphi

    Benjamin says otherwise.
  8. Mark-

    CPas - C for Delphi

    Your view of the landscape appears to be limited.
  9. Mark-

    CPas - C for Delphi

    I think it is interesting but we need 32 bit.
  10. Mark-

    CPas - C for Delphi

  11. Mark-

    CPas - C for Delphi

    I assume that means it will not work with 32 bit applications running on 32 bit or 64 bit Windows.
  12. Mark-

    Docx (RTF) to PDF convert

    For use inside MS Word, I use PDF Destinator. As far as I know it cannot be automated.
  13. Perhaps I missed it, no edit field to enter the coupon code.
  14. Mark-


    Hello, Delphi 10.2 I just started using TVirtualStringTree and all is working well (Thanks Jam Software). I need to save all the node captions to a text file with the same format as TTreeview (tab character for indent level followed by caption string) so, at a later time, the file can be loaded and parsed. Has anyone done such a thing? Cheers, Mark
  15. Mark-


    Hello, What I came up with for my needs. procedure SaveVTToFileLikeTTreeView(tree:TVirtualStringTree; const fName:string); var data:TVTABFetch; strList:TStringList; tmpNode:PVirtualNode; function CreateTabPrefix(count:integer):string; var i:integer; begin result:=''; for i:=0 to count -1 do result:=result + #09; //tab end; begin if (fName = '') then Exit; strList:=TStringList.Create; if not Assigned(strList) then Exit; try tmpNode:=tree.GetFirst; if not Assigned(tmpNode) then //if nothing, scram Exit; repeat data:=TVTABFetch(Pointer(tree.GetNodeData(tmpNode)^)); if Assigned(Data) then //safety strList.Add(CreateTabPrefix(tree.GetNodeLevel(tmpNode)) + data.caption); tmpNode:=tree.GetNext(tmpNode); until (not Assigned(tmpNode)); strList.SaveToFile(fName); finally strList.free; end; end; Cheers, Mark
  16. Hello, This might seem silly. Used a few programming languages over the years. Would you expect the code below to produce the same result? 7 Did not find a reference in the help system. procedure TestOrder; var index,finalValue:integer; function ResultIsFive(var i:integer):integer; begin result:= 3 + 2; Inc(i); end; begin index:=1; finalValue:=index + ResultIsFive(index); ShowMessage(IntToStr(finalValue)); index:=1; finalValue:=ResultIsFive(index) + index; ShowMessage(IntToStr(finalValue)); end; Thanks, Mark
  17. Mark-

    Prevent from closing when....

    Hello, Delphi 10.2.3, VCL Might seem simple but I have not run into this issue and have limits on what changes I can make. Form A is opened containing one button. The button opens a modal dialog, form B, displaying a message. Before the user can close form B, another part of the program posts a close message to form A and it closes. The user closes form B, leading to a crash. Setting a flag to indicate a modal dialog has been opened to prevent form A from closing is not possible. That would be a big change. Users design the screens and run script, etc. I can change the FormCloseQuery, FormClose and FormDestroy of form A. Finding what to check in the form properties/methods has produced no joy. Forest for the trees might be present. Any ideas? Thanks, Mark
  18. Mark-

    Prevent from closing when....

    Thanks for the response "Rollo62", interesting. "Uwe Raabe" thank you. I will check it out.
  19. Mark-

    Prevent from closing when....

    Thanks for the response "Kas Ob.". This issue is not about the application closing. These form A come and go in a 24/7 program. The possible changes are limited to the areas I mentioned, in form A. The user designs/creates/codes/uses/etc. these form A. We provide the IDE and execution of the user created form A inside the main program, like an add on, along with other user configurable features. Large changes to a huge program for one issue with the form A, that was actually found by destructive testing, a user in 14 years has never created the issue, is not prudent/practical/etc. Again, thanks for the reply.
  20. Mark-

    Prevent from closing when....

    Perhaps I can get the foreground window, check it for modal and if so prevent form A from closing in FormCloseQuery. Tomorrow.
  21. Mark-

    Return an array from a function??

    Couple of ways to accomplish it, One simple method. type TVariantArray = array of variant; function Foo(data:byte):TVariantArray; begin SetLength(result,2); result[0]:=data + 123; result[1]:='ABCD'; end; procedure FooTest; var res:TVariantArray; begin res:=Foo(1); ShowMessage(IntToStr(res[0]) + ' ' + res[1]); end;
  22. Hello, We use TMS Scripter (Pascal) to allow our customers to execute custom logic on data. Embedded editor, breakpoints, stepping, variable watches, etc. are included. Looking at providing Python and how to provide the same features. PyScripter seems to provide all or part but, I do not see any path to embed PyScripter in our application. How do you guys, using Python4Delphi, provide an IDE? Thanks, Mark
  23. Mark-

    Enbedded editor, debugging, etc...

    We are looking to add Python, not replace TMS scripter. Thanks for your opinion.
  24. Mark-

    Enbedded editor, debugging, etc...

    Thanks for the response. >Do you really need the IDE embedded in your application or could you treat it as a remote execution / debug scenario? Embedded. >Which code, Delphi or the Python script, do you need the user to be able to watch / step into? Python. Just like we do with TMS Scripter. >Could you use PY4D to host the interpreter and then remote attach to it with the IDE? I have not used PY4D. Is this different from the first question?