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David Kroll

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  1. David Kroll

    FireDac ParamByName Exception

    There was code that was replacing the parameters with the actual values, making the parameters no longer there. I figured it out finally. Thanks for your time!
  2. David Kroll

    FireDac ParamByName Exception

    :EDIT - Nevermind, there was code replacing the parameter with the value that I missed previously. Hello all, I am converting an application from Delphi XE5 to Delphi 11.1. I have a TFDQuery with 2 parameters, below is the where clause of the query. WHERE ATTRIB_51 = :PWD and EMAIL_ADDR = :USEREMAIL When stepping through the code, when I try to set ParamByName, it throws an exception with message Inaccessible value. I tried changing from parameters to macros by changing : to ! in the query and using MacroByName, but it throws the same exception. Any ideas? fdqUser.ParamByName('PWD').Value := UserPwd; fdqUser.ParamByName('USEREMAIL').Value := UserEmail;