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Nicolò Blunda

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Everything posted by Nicolò Blunda

  1. Hello. How can I read runtime current TForm background color from TStyleBook object? I don't find correct syntax to access to StyleContainer inside TStyleBook object (see attach). Thanks.
  2. Nicolò Blunda

    Wrong Form resize in macOS

    HI. I just converted my project to "reactive mode". The MainForm BorderStyle property is now set to the Sizable value and all controls are in "scale" mode (Align property). When the app runs on remote macOS (very poor screen resolution, 1024x768 px), the window resizes to a very small size, smaller than designed. The window has a minimum size of 1050x1000 px, so I expect its size to be larger than the virtual Mac screen. Is this strange behavior replicated with the high resolution Mac screen? Is there a way to show, even on small screen sizes of the remote Mac, the minimum form size (show them at design time)? Thank you.
  3. Hello. DelphiCE is a commercially limited edition, full working (so the specifies says...). I just try to compile my project (build under Delphi 10.3 Professional), and all works fine, 3rth part addon too... But DEBUG environnment does't go working. Running the application in DEBUG mode with F9, main form is not showed (none breakpoint is set!) and StepOver and TraceInto tools are inactives. Is it a CE limitation? Thanks.
  4. Nicolò Blunda

    Debug don't starts in DelphiCE 11

    Thank you very much. Now, all works fine!
  5. Nicolò Blunda

    Debug don't starts in DelphiCE 11

    Found solution. Some wrong lib (for running exe simulation in web browser), for mistake, hase been leave in DEBUG directive.
  6. Hello. To get string versionName value of field inside <manifest> key, in AndroidManifest.xml file, I use this code: function GetFileVersionName: string; var PackageManager: JPackageManager; PackageInfo : JPackageInfo; Begin PackageManager:= SharedActivity.getPackageManager; PackageInfo := PackageManager.getPackageInfo(SharedActivityContext.getPackageName, TJPackageManager.JavaClass.GET_ACTIVITIES); Result := JStringToString(PackageInfo.versionName); End; If the filed is in a meta-data key, inside <activity> section, like this... <meta-data android:name="productName" android:value="HelloWorld" /> how can change above code to retrive it? Thanks.
  7. Nicolò Blunda

    Get metadata string from Manifest

    0 Find the solution! After move <meta-data> key outside <activity> section, code to read value for name="productName" is: function GetProductName: string; var PackManager: JPackageManager; AppInfo : JApplicationInfo; Begin PackManager:= SharedActivity.getPackageManager; AppInfo := PackManager.getApplicationInfo(SharedActivityContext.getPackageName, TJPackageManager.JavaClass.GET_META_DATA); Result := JStringToString(AppInfo.metadata.getString(StringToJString('productName'))); End;
  8. Nicolò Blunda

    FMX Form On maximize event

    Hello. There is a way to detect Form OnMiximize event (to disable SizeGrip in a Status Bar)? I find a lot of pages for OnMiximize detection via TApplication object, but only for VCL developpment...
  9. Nicolò Blunda

    FMX Form On maximize event

    Thank you very much. Maybe it is an effect of different Embarcadero RadStudio version? I work with 10.4...
  10. Nicolò Blunda

    FMX Form On maximize event

    Thank you very much. Your code works on Windows but only to show message (like that your have insert). But if you want, for example, to show or hide control like this TThread.ForceQueue(TThread.CurrentThread, procedure begin if ord(self.WindowState) = 2 then labe1.visible:= false else labe1.visible:= true; end); code works only utlil maximization oparation is performed. When form is reset to original dimensions, code don't works. Regards.
  11. Nicolò Blunda

    Restore old SDK macOS

    Hi. After download macOS SDK 12.3 from remote Monterey machine, app compiled and deployed with Firemonkey 10.4 don't works (after launch, they closes suddenly). I want to switch in Embarcadero framework (with SDK manager tool) to prevoius SDK 11.3, but it seems that only with mac with prevoius macOS this is possible (via PAServer). It is incredible that SDK 11.3 files folder is again in $(BDSPLATFORMSDKSDIR) dir, but "switch" is not possible... There is a workaround for this issue?
  12. Nicolò Blunda

    Restore old SDK macOS

    Thank you very much. But my problem is not to switch between differents versions of XCode ON MAC machine, but between differents macOS SDK profiles in EMBARCADERO SDK Manager. Folder with all files necessary for deploy with SDK 11.3 is already in my file sistem, but seems there is not a way to say at Embarcadero to use this version. Change of selcted folder don't affect SDK version employed, that remains last downloaded from MAC.
  13. Nicolò Blunda

    Get copyright info from code in macOS

    Hello. With this code (working on macOS) I get application version info: VersionInfoString:= (TNSString.Wrap(CFBundleGetValueForInfoDictionaryKey(CFBundleGetMainBundle, kCFBundleVersionKey))).UTF8String; I want to retreive the copyright info too. In info.plist the copyright string is the NSHumanReadableCopyright key value. It is possible to adapt code above to get it?
  14. Nicolò Blunda

    Get copyright info from code in macOS

    Thank you a lot!
  15. Nicolò Blunda

    Scale hidden object

    Hello. I want to make responsive my WIN/MACOS application. If control's Align property is setted to Scale value, all works fine: object dimensions scale correctly and the Form is resized. But if an object is in hidden state (Visible;= False) it not follows scaling and when is showed runtime (setting Visible:= True) his position/dimension is the same as befolre resizing. There is a way to scaling object not visible?
  16. Nicolò Blunda

    Scale hidden object

    FInd the solution! It is necessary to keep Object always in visible state and act on Opacity parameter: Object.Opacity:= 0 to hide Object and Object.Opacity:=1 to show it..