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  1. JRadke

    SynEdit with memory leak?

    Thank you for the answers. The consideration of the undo/redo memory seems plausible to me, I will try that out. -Jürgen
  2. I use SynEdit as replacement for TMemo to list permanent incoming data. To prevent a memory overflow I limit the number of rows like this: Synedit1.Lines.Add('My new data...'); if SynEdit1.Lines.Count > 150 then SynEdit1.Lines.Delete(0); This will limit the number of rows to 150, but the allocated memory is not released by the Delete command (checked with memoryManager), so at some point I get a memory overflow. This behaviour happens since upgrading from Delphi 10.4 to Delphi 11 and SynEdit respectively (2022.03-11).