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  1. dormky

    How do I register a component into the tool palette ?

    I feel like my time and the stability of the application will be much better served if I simply makes a class that takes my base component as a parameter. It's to draw on a bitmap anyway so not much going on at design time. Thanks anyway, at least I know not to refer to the docs on this subject 🙂
  2. The documentation is utterly unhelpful, I've done the 3 steps outlined here : https://docwiki.embarcadero.com/RADStudio/Alexandria/en/Creating_a_New_Component After those three steps, it says "Now you will have a minimally functional component ready to install on the Tool Palette. After installing [...]". But there is no step explaining how to install !
  3. dormky

    What is the best AI at Delphi

    Claude has multiple advantages for me : - You can give it a large amount of info (I've been pasting entire units into it) - Moderately better at Delphi (ie not making too much stuff up) - Won't give you entire paragraphs explaining why 1+1=2, it's way more concise and won't re-explain everything with every answer, mostly just show the code change. Not sure if this is a measure to not consume as much but it's great for since I always have to bang ChatGPT's head about giving only-code answers.
  4. dormky

    Enabled := False makes color Glyphs disappear

    A search for TBitBtn just gave me 1842 results, and that's just the "main" part of the program. Now not all of these buttons have icons of course, but a significant portion does. We're talking at least hundreds of buttons to update and check here. So no it's not every icon, but it's still a whole freaking lot.
  5. dormky

    Enabled := False makes color Glyphs disappear

    Those lines were literally written before I was born. Believe me if I could throw it all away I would but alas that's not realistic. Try to explain to management why we'd need so much time and testing to "make the icons grey" :')
  6. When my DBGrid's datasource points to a TMyTable, its fixed rows are drawn like this : But when changing to a TClientDataSet, they are drawn like this : What can I do to prevent this change ? Is this a style problem ? Is it a difference in settings between the TClientDataSet and the TMyTable ? I haven't found one that could provoke this but it's the best idea I've got as to why this behavior occurs.
  7. dormky

    Enabled := False makes color Glyphs disappear

    It is a shame that TBitBtn's method of greying out an icon is to make black grey, and every other color white. That is not a good method imo as it leads to problems like this in this post, forcing the developer to put in more work (re-implementing the greying or creating greyed out icons). A UI framework should have correct greying, that's not something up for debate.
  8. dormky

    Enabled := False makes color Glyphs disappear

    Yes, but doing this for every icon in this 1M lines project does not make sense if there is another solution out there. Especially as greyed out an existing image is not complicated in itself, it's just the implementation in TBitBtn that's faulty.
  9. dormky

    Enabled := False makes color Glyphs disappear

    Such a shame. It seems the Images property only exists for TButton. I've tried adding my bitmap to the property but it doesn't seem to work like the Glyph property (double click to edit). How am I supposed to add it ?
  10. (These are TBitBtns) In the first image, all buttons are enabled. In the second, the bottom two are disabled. It seems that the disabling makes every color except for pure black completely disappear (see the grey at the top of the pencil disappeared too). What can I do to prevent this ? The icon should just be greyed out, not entirely disappear. I don't want to make greyed out glyphs and switch them around for literally every button in the program either. Although if it comes down to it, I guess I could always have a custom button that takes the existing glyph and greys it ? But that sounds finicky and there's probably a better way of solving this. Thanks !
  11. dormky

    "for i in" goes in reverse

    Actual insanity.
  12. Done using https://www.onlinegdb.com/online_pascal_compiler, but Delphi 10.3 does the same. What the fork ?
  13. Ah, it might be the debug info indeed for the big changes when formatting. But there's still differences when compiling 2 times in a row, which I can't explain (see attached files in the OP)
  14. Well, I just checked on the effects of formatting on .dcu files and they seem to be affected a lot. Very strange that intermediate compiler files would be affected by formatting. Does delphi output other intermediate files that I could check ?
  15. When I build .dcu files, they often aren't the same size. Does anyone know why that is ? I literally just build two times in a row, and between 5 and 10% of .dcu will have a size difference of a few dozen bytes. I'm trying to apply formatting to the whole project and want to verify that the output is not affected (trust but verify, heh ?) but if building the same thing twice already leads to significant changes this will be quite difficult to achieve... And yes, we have 0 test coverage. Edit : Example with this small file, where 4 bytes are added at around 3/4ths of the file. UConfigEchelle_big.dcu UConfigEchelle_small.dcu