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Everything posted by Flavien

  1. Flavien


    Hi, I have a Python script that trains a TensorFlow model. Python is installed in a Conda environment. When the Python script is run from a command prompt, the model is trained on GPU. But when the script is run from Delphi PythonEngine, the model is trained on CPU instead. Would anyone has an idea why I am not able to use GPU with Python4Delphi? Thanks.
  2. Flavien


    The wrong DLLs have been uninstalled from the computer so Delphi can only find the right ones and training is now performed on GPU. But if you need both DLLs, I guess you can fix it by modifying the order of the search path.
  3. Flavien


    Thank you for your advice. Despite using the same working directory, TensorFlow is indeed loading CUDA DLLs from a different location with Python4Delphi.