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Rustam Novikov

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  1. Rustam Novikov

    Exception call stacks on Windows with only a few LOCs

    I have a question regarding getting stack trace in delphi vcl application using Datasnap technology. I am currently tracking a very nasty EStackOverflow exception in delphi 11.2 patch 1. It occurs very rarely in production environment and The problem is, that I get the stack trace, but I do not see the origin of the exception, because stack trace looks like this: 20230206 10354806 EXCOS EStackOverflow (c00000fd) [] at 011ef4a8 MidasLib.DllGetDataSnapClassObject (5371) stack trace API 011ef701 MidasLib.DllGetDataSnapClassObject (5460) 011ef701 MidasLib.DllGetDataSnapClassObject (5460) 011ef701 MidasLib.DllGetDataSnapClassObject (5460) 011ef701 MidasLib.DllGetDataSnapClassObject (5460) 011ef701 MidasLib.DllGetDataSnapClassObject (5460) 011ef701 MidasLib.DllGetDataSnapClassObject (5460) ... So it keeps going until depth limit is reached. And the start of the exception stack is missing, so I have no idea what caused the exception. Is there any opportunity to get the whole exception stack, or at least first 20-30 rows?
  2. I have a for loop which executes parallel.future in its body and stores iomnifuture in a dynamic array. After the loop I iterate through the array and call .value for each element. Unfortunately this code fails occasionly with TList.IndexOutOfBounds exception. When Inside for loop I wait for each omnifuture to complete everything works fine. What am I doing wrong?