I've written a fairly small web app for testing and learning using WebBroker that makes a few InterBase database queries and I've got it working as both an ISAPI DLL under IIS on Windows and as an Apache Web Module for Apache 2.4 on Windows. I'm now testing it under Apache for Linux and while a simple database query still works, another part of this app does not.
One of the web actions is hooked up to a TDataSetTableProducer and it requires a wait cursor (TFDGUIxWaitCursor) in order to work. That component has a Provider property where leaving it at the default of FMX worked just fine for Windows versions (IIS and Apache) but fails under Apache for Linux. I tried changing the Provider to Console and replacing the used units but that did not help.
Does anyone know how to use datasets for Apache web modules under Linux using FireDAC which requires a wait cursor?
Reference: http://docwiki.embarcadero.com/Libraries/Sydney/en/FireDAC.Comp.UI.TFDGUIxComponent.Provider