Now that Delphi 10.3 Rio is out, we had to ensure that our little mORMot would run with this revision.
Since we don't make any commercial software with Delphi any more (we switched to FPC), I downloaded the Community Edition.
We disabled the Error Insight feature, which seems not very stable especially with our mORMot complex units - as with previous Delphi versions.
In respect to the previous "Starter" editions, this CE version includes everything you expect for good work: Win32 + Win64 + OSX + mobile compilers, and even the source code of the RTL and enabled command-line compilers!
The IDE seems really refreshed with its new layout. You feel at home and with some modern and fresh air!
Great work Embarcadero!
Of course, the "Pro" and "Architect" features are missing (like FireDAC, DataSnap or RADServer).
But mORMot is self-contained even for the database access, so with the CE you can write full-features REST/SOA client-servers and MVC web applications, with a simple ORM and high-performance OleDB/ODBC database access to SQlite3, MSSQL, Oracle, Firebird, MySQL and others (by-passing the TDataSet class for better performance) and even NoSQL like MongoDB.
Ensure you follow the Embarcadero license terms when you use mORMot with the Community Edition.
With Rio, the main breaking change was that the PCRE API switched from an UTF-8 to UTF-16, and did hide the UTF-8 function calls.
But after a small patch, now everything works as expected - at least for our regression tests.