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Found 4 results

  1. Hi All, I am creating a procedure to send HTML emails with images with ICS components. That would be great if it worked and we could have this procedure as an option so people can get started. I am having some issues, right now I am having an error 501 that should be about the recipient email, but I am adding a recipient email in the procedure. Here's the current procedure. MessageStatus is a procedure to update a status bar with a message. I am using that to see the messages during the process. I wish ICS also had a synchronous version of this component. ICSSendEmail.pas
  2. I have windows 7 . My program sended mail by smtp , with ssl encoding. It worked without any problems on Delphi 2010 , when the same code was compiled on Delphi 10.4.2 it started to raise error " SSL negotiation failed." I need to send from @yandex.ru mail where ssl encoding is obligatory. How can i make such sending on this operation system and compiled with this version of Delphi ? My code: procedure TfmMain.buSimpSendClick(Sender: TObject); var IdSMTP1: TIdSMTP; idMessage1: TIdMessage; idAttach: TidAttachment; idText1: TidText; msgParts: TidMessageParts; DT:TDateTime; IdSSLIOHandlerSocketOpenSSL1:TIdSSLIOHandlerSocketOpenSSL; MailHost,EmpPsw,EmpUser: string; EmPort: Integer; EmpEmail: string; EmpName: string; EmailTo: string; I: Integer; wassent: Boolean; ini: TIniFile; begin EmPort := 587; EmailTo := ''; ini := Tinifile.Create(ChangeFileExt(paramStr(0),'.ini')) ; try MailHost := ini.ReadString('C','MailHost',''); EmpPsw := ini.ReadString('C','EmpPsw',''); EmpUser := ini.ReadString( 'C','EmpUser',''); EmPort := ini.ReadInteger('C','EmPort',0); EmailTo := ini.ReadString('C','EmailTo',''); finally ini.Free; end; memo1.Text := ''; Edit1.Text := 'MailHost='+MailHost+','+'EmpPsw='+EmpPsw+','+'EmpUser='+EmpUser+','+'EmPort='+IntToStr(EmPort)+','+'EmailTo='+EmailTo ; EmpName := empemail;//(nil); wassent := True and false;//(nil); IdSMTP1 := TIdSMTP.Create(nil) ; try try IdSMTP1.Host:= MailHost; IdSMTP1.Password:= EmpPsw; IdSMTP1.Username:= EmpUser; IdSSLIOHandlerSocketOpenSSL1 := TIdSSLIOHandlerSocketOpenSSL.Create(IdSMTP1); IdSSLIOHandlerSocketOpenSSL1.SSLOptions.Method := sslvTLSv1; IdSSLIOHandlerSocketOpenSSL1.SSLOptions.Mode := sslmUnassigned; IdSSLIOHandlerSocketOpenSSL1.SSLOptions.VerifyDepth := 0; IdSMTP1.IOHandler := IdSSLIOHandlerSocketOpenSSL1; if EmPort>0 then IdSMTP1.Port := EmPort else IdSMTP1.Port := 465; IdSMTP1.UseTLS := utUseExplicitTLS; idMessage1 := TIdMessage.Create(IdSMTP1); idMessage1.OnInitializeISO := TCL.LInitializeISO; idMessage1.From.Address := EmpEmail; idMessage1.From.Name := EmpName; idMessage1.Subject := 'EmSubject'+DateTimeToStr(now);//'Письмо с картинкой AComp'+FormatDateTime('dd.mm.yyyy hh:mm:ss',Now); idMessage1.CharSet := 'Windows-1251'; idMessage1.ContentTransferEncoding := '8bit'; msgParts := idMessage1.MessageParts; try // Load slBody with your HTML text... idText1 := TidText.Create(msgParts);//, slBody); idText1.ContentType := 'text/html'; idText1.CharSet := 'Windows-1251'; idText1.ContentTransfer := '8bit'; //if FileExists(EmBodyFileName) then idText1.Body.Text := ' (EmailBody)'+ParamStr(0); idMessage1.Recipients.EMailAddresses := EmailTo; idSMTP1.Connect; idSMTP1.Send(idMessage1); ShowMessage('Sent ok,''EmPort='+IntToStr(EmPort)); wassent := True; finally if idSMTP1.Connected then idSMTP1.Disconnect; end; except on E: Exception do Memo1.text := Memo1.text + #13#10 + 'EmPort='+IntToStr(EmPort)+#13#10+ E.Message; end; finally IdSMTP1.Free; self.caption := TimeToStr(now); end; end;
  3. Using Tokyo 10.2. I've been trying to modify some outgoing email code I set up a while ago using TIdMessage and TIdSMTP and such. It worked fine until I needed to accommodate port 465 and SSL. All the suggestions I found online to handle this were way more involved than I want to deal with so I started looking for 3rd party tools I could implement. I found EmailArchitect and downloaded the trial last night. It was pretty easy to set up and use, mostly pretty logical and straightforward. The price is okay too. Can anyone confirm that this is a good product or recommend anything that's better? My only concern with EmailArchitect is that although they continue to update their product (when I looked at their product history) they haven't seemed to do any Delphi updates in the last 11 years. That's concerning for me. Also, while there are lots of good samples included the documentation seems to be nearly non-existent. I'm good at just figuring things out but good documentation of a 3rd party tool is important. Thanks in advance! Avian
  4. I have seen the ICS demos and have successfully used the following components: TSslSmtpCli TSslContext TIcsRestEmail to connect and send emails from a user - based application, = outlook office, Microsoft Azure with proper API permissions for authentication. However, I cannot see this working for a Service-based application where there is no one logged in for the web page to appear. (send emails only, no need to read) Is there a demo or instructions if this is possible to implement? thank you in advance