Hi all,
I'm trying to use igZoom gesture in a VCL application but doesn't work.
It works perfectly in an FMX application.
1] Create an FMX empty application for WIN.
2] Add GestureManager
3] Add a Panel and assign the GestureManager
4] Add igZoom feature in Panel Touch Interactive Gestures
5] Add an event handler for Panel OnGesture
6] Increment a counter and show in the caption for every OnGesture event:
var Count: Integer;
procedure TForm8.Panel1Gesture(Sender: TObject; const EventInfo: TGestureEventInfo; var Handled: Boolean);
Caption := IntToStr(Count);
1] Create a VCL empty application
2 to 6 as made for FMX application
At this point the two applications, FMX and VCL are the same.
Running FMX application when I put two fingers on the touch screen the zoom in/out movements creates a continuous flow of OnGesture: OK works fine.
Running VCL application when I put two fingers on the touch screen the zoom in/out movements don't create OnGesture event but is created only when I remove the fingers.
I don't know why FMX works: till I'm zooming I've got a lot of OnGesture events to track the zoom IN/OUT activity,
but with VCL I've got ONLY one event with ID = 0 when I leave the fingers from the touch screen.
Thank you for help !!!