i have seen lots of examples for get and decompress of data but nothing really for compress and post. after creating the idCompressor and assigning it to the idHTTP what needs to happen to compress the sRequest FileStream?
sRequest and sResponse are TFileStreams
idHTTP := TidHTTP.Create;
idCompressor := TidCompressorZLib.Create(idHTTP);
idHTTP.Compressor := idCompressor;
idHTTP.ConnectTimeout := 60000;
idHTTP.HTTPOptions := [hoKeepOrigProtocol,hoForceEncodeParams];
idHTTP.ReadTimeout := 60000;
idHTTP.HandleRedirects := True;
idHTTP.IOHandler := SSLHandler;
idHTTP.Request.BasicAuthentication := false;
idHTTP.Request.CustomHeaders.Values['Authorization'] := 'Bearer ' + _token;
idHTTP.Request.ContentType := string(aContentType);
idHTTP.Request.CharSet := string(aCharSet);
idHTTP.Post(trim(string(aURL)), sRequest, sResponse);