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I'm trying to call Application->Messagebox in a C++ Builder BPL
JackT posted a topic in General Help
I'm trying to follow Dave Millington's code rage example from 2016 on how to use a Delphi abstract class to make an abstract class for use in a C++ Builder bpl library where you need to link to a lib file that is only available in C. I made a function called about in my concrete class called TBridge::About derived for a pure abstract delphi class which I can call sucessfully. However when I do so Application->MessageBox falls over as it doesn't seem able to create a font resource or lacks resources. I am assuming in am not linking some sort of necessary resource file into my C++ BPL ? The question is I don't know which files I should be linking into the BPL to get it to display standard VCL dialogs. MessageDlg doesn't work either. //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- #pragma hdrstop #include "SolidBridge.h" //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- #pragma package(smart_init) #include <windows.h> #include <vcl.h> #include <Vcl.Controls.hpp> #include <Vcl.stdCtrls.hpp> #include <Vcl.Forms.hpp> #include <Dialogs.hpp> #include <Vcl.Dialogs.hpp> void __fastcall TBridge::About() { //Application->MessageBox('Hello world!','About',MB_OK); UnicodeString txt = "Hello world"; Application->MessageBox(L"Hello world",L"About", MB_OKCANCEL); //MessageDlg(txt,mtInformation,TMsgDlgButtons() << mbOK,0); } TAbstractBridge* __stdcall SolidBridgeFactory() { return (TAbstractBridge*)new TBridge(); } ResData is passed in a zero so the first line ResHash := VCL.Graphics.GetHashCode(ResData, ResDataSize); throws an exception in VCL.Graphics {$IF NOT DEFINED(CLR)} function TResourceManager.AllocResource(const ResData): PResource; var ResHash: Word; LOwner: TThreadID; begin ResHash := Vcl.Graphics.GetHashCode(ResData, ResDataSize); Lock; try LOwner := TThread.CurrentThread.ThreadID; Result := ResList; while (Result <> nil) and ((Result^.Owner <> LOwner) or (Result^.HashCode <> ResHash) or not CompareMem(@Result^.Data, @ResData, ResDataSize)) do Result := Result^.Next; if Result = nil then begin GetMem(Result, ResDataSize + ResInfoSize); with Result^ do begin Next := ResList; RefCount := 0; Handle := TResData(ResData).Handle; HashCode := ResHash; Owner := LOwner; Move(ResData, Data, ResDataSize); end; ResList := Result; end; Inc(Result^.RefCount); finally Unlock; end; end; {$ENDIF}- 8 replies
- c++ builder bpl vcl
- delphi
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