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  1. JackT

    Bug TDialogService.MessageDialog on Windows

    I solved the problem by writing my own implementation of IFMXDialogServiceAsync and IFMXDialogService for windows.
  2. function FMXMessageDialog(const AMessage: string; const ADialogType: TMsgDlgType; const AButtons: TMsgDlgButtons; const ADefaultButton: TMsgDlgBtn): Integer; var mr: TModalResult; begin mr:=mrNone; // standart call with callback anonimous method TDialogService.MessageDialog(AMessage, ADialogType, AButtons, ADefaultButton, 0, procedure (const AResult: TModalResult) begin mr:=AResult end); while mr = mrNone do // wait for modal result Application.ProcessMessages; Result:=mr; end; The code works fine. However depending on which monitor the dialog spawns on, on my system the text is clipped. Dragging the dialog back to monitor 1 from monitor 2 makes the dialog draw correctly. Delphi Alex 11.3. The scale on monitor 1 is 150% and and on monitor 2 it's 100%.
  3. JackT

    Format text in TSpinBox

    Thanks for the reply. Unfortunately I forgot to mention I am developing a Firemonkey application so TNumberBox has a different implementation to the VCL component with the same name, although I did post the question in the FMX group.
  4. JackT

    Format text in TSpinBox

    Is there an easy way to change the formatting of the text in a TSpinBox ? I would like my TSpinBox to display a number with a leading 0 for a 24 hour clock format So instead of showing 9 it would show 09 as in "zero nine hundred hours". I am aware there is a TTimeEdit, but it puts it's spinner in an up down configuration not it in a side to side configuration like the TSpinBox. I am using TSpinBox to set YEAR - MONTH - DAY so I would like everything to look the same,
  5. I am writing a program that process data from 196+ channels in real time. I will have to employ digital filter(s) of one sort or another on all 196+ channels simultaneously. It occurred to me that a digital signal processing pipeline on a GPU would be an ideal solution. The data is sampled at 1200 Hz. My question is - Is there a parallel digital signal processing pipeline library for Delphi or C++ builder out there that takes advantage of GPU architecture ? If there is no such library should I code one using NVIDA's CUDA or AMD ROCm ?
  6. Thanks for the advice - much appreciated. I think I just assumed that the pointer for interfaces were going to be the same sorts in Delphi.
  7. Thanks Remy, Thanks for taking the time to reply to my questions. I haven't done a lot of C++ Builder programming so I didn't realise I had to use smart pointers for interfaces and I didn't know I wasn't supposed to throw New exception objects. I actually switched out my code to use the microsoft xmllite library in the mean time, but at least in the future I will know how to properly handle interfaces in C++ builder. I still have a few grey areas how memory clean up happens in C++ Builder such as should I be setting dynamic arrays to NULL to destroy them or does the C++ Compiler handle it. For example will WSA get destroyed correctly when it goes out of scope or do I need to do something else ? typedef DynamicArray<WideString> DynArrayWideString; DynArrayWideString WSA; WSA.Length = 4; WSA[0] = "A STRING"; WSA[1] = "ANOTHER STRING"; WSA[2] = "STRING 3"; WSA[3] = "END OF LIST";
  8. I'm generally having problems using VCL objects in a Win32 C++ Builder command line programs. I am also having trouble with TXMLDocument and IXMLNODE. I can use TXMLDocument in a VCL builder application and Delphi without a problem but as soon as I try to use it in a C++ Builder command line program I get silent failures THIS CODE IN IT'S OWN THREAD CRASHES TXMLDocument * pMEGConfig = NULL; TDOMVendor *vendor; if(CoInitializeEx(0,COINIT_SPEED_OVER_MEMORY) != S_OK) { return; } pMEGConfig = new TXMLDocument(NULL); vendor = DOMVendors->Find("MSXML"); if( vendor == NULL) { throw new Exception("vendor MSXML XML wasn't found'"); } if(pMEGConfig->Active) { pMEGConfig->Active = false; } pMEGConfig->DOMVendor = vendor; pMEGConfig->LoadFromFile("An XML FILE"); pMEGConfig->Active = true; IXMLNode * ROOT = pMEGConfig->DocumentElement; //THIS LINE CAUSE THE THREAD AND DEBUGGER TO EXIT IMMEDIAETLY AND SILENTLY I am assuming I am some how not linking to the correct lib files and or my compiler / linker settings are wrong
  9. //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- #ifndef SolidBridgeH #define SolidBridgeH //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- #endif #include <LoftyBridge.hpp> #include <System.Classes.hpp> #include <System.Generics.Collections.hpp> #include <System.SysUtils.hpp> class TBridgeException:Exception { private: protected: public: }; class TBridge:TAbstractBridge { private: TList *ModuleList; void CleanUpModuleList(); protected: public: TBridge(); //~TBridge(); void __fastcall About(); void __fastcall ReQuery(); int __fastcall ModuleCount(); bool __fastcall GetModuleData(int Index, RModuleData &pModuleData); bool __fastcall GetModuleChannels(int Index, System::Classes::TStringList* &pSL); bool __fastcall GetSafeModuleChannelList(char * pBuffer,int Index, int MaxLen); void __fastcall Finalize(); }; typedef TBridge *pTBridge; typedef TList__1<TBridge> TBridgeList; typedef TBridgeList *pTBridgeList; extern "C" __declspec(dllexport) TAbstractBridge* __stdcall SolidBridgeFactory(); // CodeGear C++Builder // Copyright (c) 1995, 2022 by Embarcadero Technologies, Inc. // All rights reserved // (DO NOT EDIT: machine generated header) 'LoftyBridge.pas' rev: 35.00 (Windows) #ifndef LoftybridgeHPP #define LoftybridgeHPP #pragma delphiheader begin #pragma option push #pragma option -w- // All warnings off #pragma option -Vx // Zero-length empty class member #pragma pack(push,8) #include <System.hpp> #include <SysInit.hpp> #include <System.Classes.hpp> //-- user supplied ----------------------------------------------------------- namespace Loftybridge { //-- forward type declarations ----------------------------------------------- struct RModuleData; class DELPHICLASS TCppBuilderObject; class DELPHICLASS TAbstractBridge; //-- type declarations ------------------------------------------------------- typedef System::StaticArray<char, 256> ShortAnsiString; struct DECLSPEC_DRECORD RModuleData { public: ShortAnsiString name; ShortAnsiString product_type; bool not_chassied; unsigned SerialNo; unsigned SlotNo; }; typedef RModuleData *pModuleData; typedef System::Classes::TStringList* *pTStringList; #pragma pack(push,4) class PASCALIMPLEMENTATION TCppBuilderObject : public System::TObject { typedef System::TObject inherited; public: virtual void __fastcall Finalize() = 0 ; HIDESBASE void __fastcall Free(); public: /* TObject.Create */ inline __fastcall TCppBuilderObject() : System::TObject() { } /* TObject.Destroy */ inline __fastcall virtual ~TCppBuilderObject() { } }; #pragma pack(pop) #pragma pack(push,4) class PASCALIMPLEMENTATION TAbstractBridge : public TCppBuilderObject { typedef TCppBuilderObject inherited; public: virtual void __fastcall About() = 0 ; virtual void __fastcall ReQuery() = 0 ; virtual int __fastcall ModuleCount() = 0 ; virtual bool __fastcall GetModuleData(int Index, RModuleData &pModuleData) = 0 ; virtual bool __fastcall GetModuleChannels(int Index, System::Classes::TStringList* &pSL) = 0 ; virtual bool __fastcall GetSafeModuleChannelList(char * pBuffer, int Index, int MaxLen) = 0 ; public: /* TObject.Create */ inline __fastcall TAbstractBridge() : TCppBuilderObject() { } /* TObject.Destroy */ inline __fastcall virtual ~TAbstractBridge() { } }; #pragma pack(pop) //-- var, const, procedure --------------------------------------------------- static const System::Int8 NI_MODULE = System::Int8(0x0); static const System::Int8 NI_CHANNEL = System::Int8(0x1); static const System::Word STRING_SIZE = System::Word(0x100); extern "C" TAbstractBridge* __stdcall SolidBridgeFactory(); extern DELPHI_PACKAGE TAbstractBridge* __stdcall BridgeFactory(); } /* namespace Loftybridge */ #if !defined(DELPHIHEADER_NO_IMPLICIT_NAMESPACE_USE) && !defined(NO_USING_NAMESPACE_LOFTYBRIDGE) using namespace Loftybridge; #endif #pragma pack(pop) #pragma option pop #pragma delphiheader end. //-- end unit ---------------------------------------------------------------- #endif // LoftybridgeHPP unit LoftyBridge; {WARNING THIS UNIT MAY CAUSE MEMORY ISSUES IT IS AN INTERFACE FOR NIBridge writen in C++ Builder Try ShareMem in the uses clause USE SAFE FUNCTIONS WITH NO ShareMem } interface uses Classes; const NI_MODULE = 0; NI_CHANNEL = 1; const STRING_SIZE= 256; type ShortAnsiString = array[1..256] of ansichar; type RModuleData = record name:ShortAnsiString; product_type:ShortAnsiString; not_chassied:boolean; SerialNo:uInt32; SlotNo:uInt32; end; type pModuleData = ^RModuleData; type pTStringList = ^TStringList; Type TCppBuilderObject = class private protected public procedure Finalize();virtual;abstract; procedure Free(); end; type TAbstractBridge = class(TCppBuilderObject) private protected //procedure Finalize();virtual;abstract; public procedure About();virtual;abstract; procedure ReQuery();virtual;abstract; function ModuleCount():integer;virtual;abstract; function GetModuleData(Index:integer; var pModuleData:RModuleData):boolean;virtual;abstract; function GetModuleChannels(Index:integer;var pSL:TStringList):boolean;virtual;abstract; function GetSafeModuleChannelList(pBuffer:PAnsiChar;Index:Integer;MaxLen:Integer):boolean;virtual;abstract; end; {$IFDEF TEST_BRIDGE} function SolidBridgeFactory():TAbstractBridge;stdCall;external 'C:\CBuild\NIBridge.bpl'; {$ELSE} {$IFDEF WIN32} function SolidBridgeFactory():TAbstractBridge;stdCall;external 'NIBridge.bpl'; {$ENDIF} {$IFDEF WIN64} function SolidBridgeFactory():TAbstractBridge;stdCall;external 'NIBridge.bpl'; {$ENDIF} {$ENDIF} function BridgeFactory():TAbstractBridge;stdCall implementation function BridgeFactory():TAbstractBridge;stdCall begin result := nil; end; { TAbstractBridge } { TCppBuilderObject } procedure TCppBuilderObject.Free; begin Finalize(); inherited; end; { TAbstractBridge } end.
  10. I'm trying to follow Dave Millington's code rage example from 2016 on how to use a Delphi abstract class to make an abstract class for use in a C++ Builder bpl library where you need to link to a lib file that is only available in C. https://learndelphi.org/this-is-how-to-use-c-builder-to-extend-the-reach-of-delphi/ https://github.com/Embarcadero/CodeRage2016 I made a function called about in my concrete class called TBridge::About derived for a pure abstract delphi class which I can call sucessfully. However when I do so Application->MessageBox falls over as it doesn't seem able to create a font resource or lacks resources. I am assuming in am not linking some sort of necessary resource file into my C++ BPL ? The question is I don't know which files I should be linking into the BPL to get it to display standard VCL dialogs. MessageDlg doesn't work either. //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- #pragma hdrstop #include "SolidBridge.h" //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- #pragma package(smart_init) #include <windows.h> #include <vcl.h> #include <Vcl.Controls.hpp> #include <Vcl.stdCtrls.hpp> #include <Vcl.Forms.hpp> #include <Dialogs.hpp> #include <Vcl.Dialogs.hpp> void __fastcall TBridge::About() { //Application->MessageBox('Hello world!','About',MB_OK); UnicodeString txt = "Hello world"; Application->MessageBox(L"Hello world",L"About", MB_OKCANCEL); //MessageDlg(txt,mtInformation,TMsgDlgButtons() << mbOK,0); } TAbstractBridge* __stdcall SolidBridgeFactory() { return (TAbstractBridge*)new TBridge(); } ResData is passed in a zero so the first line ResHash := VCL.Graphics.GetHashCode(ResData, ResDataSize); throws an exception in VCL.Graphics {$IF NOT DEFINED(CLR)} function TResourceManager.AllocResource(const ResData): PResource; var ResHash: Word; LOwner: TThreadID; begin ResHash := Vcl.Graphics.GetHashCode(ResData, ResDataSize); Lock; try LOwner := TThread.CurrentThread.ThreadID; Result := ResList; while (Result <> nil) and ((Result^.Owner <> LOwner) or (Result^.HashCode <> ResHash) or not CompareMem(@Result^.Data, @ResData, ResDataSize)) do Result := Result^.Next; if Result = nil then begin GetMem(Result, ResDataSize + ResInfoSize); with Result^ do begin Next := ResList; RefCount := 0; Handle := TResData(ResData).Handle; HashCode := ResHash; Owner := LOwner; Move(ResData, Data, ResDataSize); end; ResList := Result; end; Inc(Result^.RefCount); finally Unlock; end; end; {$ENDIF}