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Everything posted by JackT

  1. function FMXMessageDialog(const AMessage: string; const ADialogType: TMsgDlgType; const AButtons: TMsgDlgButtons; const ADefaultButton: TMsgDlgBtn): Integer; var mr: TModalResult; begin mr:=mrNone; // standart call with callback anonimous method TDialogService.MessageDialog(AMessage, ADialogType, AButtons, ADefaultButton, 0, procedure (const AResult: TModalResult) begin mr:=AResult end); while mr = mrNone do // wait for modal result Application.ProcessMessages; Result:=mr; end; The code works fine. However depending on which monitor the dialog spawns on, on my system the text is clipped. Dragging the dialog back to monitor 1 from monitor 2 makes the dialog draw correctly. Delphi Alex 11.3. The scale on monitor 1 is 150% and and on monitor 2 it's 100%.
  2. JackT

    Bug TDialogService.MessageDialog on Windows

    I solved the problem by writing my own implementation of IFMXDialogServiceAsync and IFMXDialogService for windows.
  3. JackT

    Format text in TSpinBox

    Is there an easy way to change the formatting of the text in a TSpinBox ? I would like my TSpinBox to display a number with a leading 0 for a 24 hour clock format So instead of showing 9 it would show 09 as in "zero nine hundred hours". I am aware there is a TTimeEdit, but it puts it's spinner in an up down configuration not it in a side to side configuration like the TSpinBox. I am using TSpinBox to set YEAR - MONTH - DAY so I would like everything to look the same,
  4. JackT

    Format text in TSpinBox

    Thanks for the reply. Unfortunately I forgot to mention I am developing a Firemonkey application so TNumberBox has a different implementation to the VCL component with the same name, although I did post the question in the FMX group.
  5. I am writing a program that process data from 196+ channels in real time. I will have to employ digital filter(s) of one sort or another on all 196+ channels simultaneously. It occurred to me that a digital signal processing pipeline on a GPU would be an ideal solution. The data is sampled at 1200 Hz. My question is - Is there a parallel digital signal processing pipeline library for Delphi or C++ builder out there that takes advantage of GPU architecture ? If there is no such library should I code one using NVIDA's CUDA or AMD ROCm ?
  6. I'm trying to follow Dave Millington's code rage example from 2016 on how to use a Delphi abstract class to make an abstract class for use in a C++ Builder bpl library where you need to link to a lib file that is only available in C. https://learndelphi.org/this-is-how-to-use-c-builder-to-extend-the-reach-of-delphi/ https://github.com/Embarcadero/CodeRage2016 I made a function called about in my concrete class called TBridge::About derived for a pure abstract delphi class which I can call sucessfully. However when I do so Application->MessageBox falls over as it doesn't seem able to create a font resource or lacks resources. I am assuming in am not linking some sort of necessary resource file into my C++ BPL ? The question is I don't know which files I should be linking into the BPL to get it to display standard VCL dialogs. MessageDlg doesn't work either. //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- #pragma hdrstop #include "SolidBridge.h" //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- #pragma package(smart_init) #include <windows.h> #include <vcl.h> #include <Vcl.Controls.hpp> #include <Vcl.stdCtrls.hpp> #include <Vcl.Forms.hpp> #include <Dialogs.hpp> #include <Vcl.Dialogs.hpp> void __fastcall TBridge::About() { //Application->MessageBox('Hello world!','About',MB_OK); UnicodeString txt = "Hello world"; Application->MessageBox(L"Hello world",L"About", MB_OKCANCEL); //MessageDlg(txt,mtInformation,TMsgDlgButtons() << mbOK,0); } TAbstractBridge* __stdcall SolidBridgeFactory() { return (TAbstractBridge*)new TBridge(); } ResData is passed in a zero so the first line ResHash := VCL.Graphics.GetHashCode(ResData, ResDataSize); throws an exception in VCL.Graphics {$IF NOT DEFINED(CLR)} function TResourceManager.AllocResource(const ResData): PResource; var ResHash: Word; LOwner: TThreadID; begin ResHash := Vcl.Graphics.GetHashCode(ResData, ResDataSize); Lock; try LOwner := TThread.CurrentThread.ThreadID; Result := ResList; while (Result <> nil) and ((Result^.Owner <> LOwner) or (Result^.HashCode <> ResHash) or not CompareMem(@Result^.Data, @ResData, ResDataSize)) do Result := Result^.Next; if Result = nil then begin GetMem(Result, ResDataSize + ResInfoSize); with Result^ do begin Next := ResList; RefCount := 0; Handle := TResData(ResData).Handle; HashCode := ResHash; Owner := LOwner; Move(ResData, Data, ResDataSize); end; ResList := Result; end; Inc(Result^.RefCount); finally Unlock; end; end; {$ENDIF}
  7. Thanks for the advice - much appreciated. I think I just assumed that the pointer for interfaces were going to be the same sorts in Delphi.
  8. Thanks Remy, Thanks for taking the time to reply to my questions. I haven't done a lot of C++ Builder programming so I didn't realise I had to use smart pointers for interfaces and I didn't know I wasn't supposed to throw New exception objects. I actually switched out my code to use the microsoft xmllite library in the mean time, but at least in the future I will know how to properly handle interfaces in C++ builder. I still have a few grey areas how memory clean up happens in C++ Builder such as should I be setting dynamic arrays to NULL to destroy them or does the C++ Compiler handle it. For example will WSA get destroyed correctly when it goes out of scope or do I need to do something else ? typedef DynamicArray<WideString> DynArrayWideString; DynArrayWideString WSA; WSA.Length = 4; WSA[0] = "A STRING"; WSA[1] = "ANOTHER STRING"; WSA[2] = "STRING 3"; WSA[3] = "END OF LIST";
  9. I'm generally having problems using VCL objects in a Win32 C++ Builder command line programs. I am also having trouble with TXMLDocument and IXMLNODE. I can use TXMLDocument in a VCL builder application and Delphi without a problem but as soon as I try to use it in a C++ Builder command line program I get silent failures THIS CODE IN IT'S OWN THREAD CRASHES TXMLDocument * pMEGConfig = NULL; TDOMVendor *vendor; if(CoInitializeEx(0,COINIT_SPEED_OVER_MEMORY) != S_OK) { return; } pMEGConfig = new TXMLDocument(NULL); vendor = DOMVendors->Find("MSXML"); if( vendor == NULL) { throw new Exception("vendor MSXML XML wasn't found'"); } if(pMEGConfig->Active) { pMEGConfig->Active = false; } pMEGConfig->DOMVendor = vendor; pMEGConfig->LoadFromFile("An XML FILE"); pMEGConfig->Active = true; IXMLNode * ROOT = pMEGConfig->DocumentElement; //THIS LINE CAUSE THE THREAD AND DEBUGGER TO EXIT IMMEDIAETLY AND SILENTLY I am assuming I am some how not linking to the correct lib files and or my compiler / linker settings are wrong
  10. //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- #ifndef SolidBridgeH #define SolidBridgeH //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- #endif #include <LoftyBridge.hpp> #include <System.Classes.hpp> #include <System.Generics.Collections.hpp> #include <System.SysUtils.hpp> class TBridgeException:Exception { private: protected: public: }; class TBridge:TAbstractBridge { private: TList *ModuleList; void CleanUpModuleList(); protected: public: TBridge(); //~TBridge(); void __fastcall About(); void __fastcall ReQuery(); int __fastcall ModuleCount(); bool __fastcall GetModuleData(int Index, RModuleData &pModuleData); bool __fastcall GetModuleChannels(int Index, System::Classes::TStringList* &pSL); bool __fastcall GetSafeModuleChannelList(char * pBuffer,int Index, int MaxLen); void __fastcall Finalize(); }; typedef TBridge *pTBridge; typedef TList__1<TBridge> TBridgeList; typedef TBridgeList *pTBridgeList; extern "C" __declspec(dllexport) TAbstractBridge* __stdcall SolidBridgeFactory(); // CodeGear C++Builder // Copyright (c) 1995, 2022 by Embarcadero Technologies, Inc. // All rights reserved // (DO NOT EDIT: machine generated header) 'LoftyBridge.pas' rev: 35.00 (Windows) #ifndef LoftybridgeHPP #define LoftybridgeHPP #pragma delphiheader begin #pragma option push #pragma option -w- // All warnings off #pragma option -Vx // Zero-length empty class member #pragma pack(push,8) #include <System.hpp> #include <SysInit.hpp> #include <System.Classes.hpp> //-- user supplied ----------------------------------------------------------- namespace Loftybridge { //-- forward type declarations ----------------------------------------------- struct RModuleData; class DELPHICLASS TCppBuilderObject; class DELPHICLASS TAbstractBridge; //-- type declarations ------------------------------------------------------- typedef System::StaticArray<char, 256> ShortAnsiString; struct DECLSPEC_DRECORD RModuleData { public: ShortAnsiString name; ShortAnsiString product_type; bool not_chassied; unsigned SerialNo; unsigned SlotNo; }; typedef RModuleData *pModuleData; typedef System::Classes::TStringList* *pTStringList; #pragma pack(push,4) class PASCALIMPLEMENTATION TCppBuilderObject : public System::TObject { typedef System::TObject inherited; public: virtual void __fastcall Finalize() = 0 ; HIDESBASE void __fastcall Free(); public: /* TObject.Create */ inline __fastcall TCppBuilderObject() : System::TObject() { } /* TObject.Destroy */ inline __fastcall virtual ~TCppBuilderObject() { } }; #pragma pack(pop) #pragma pack(push,4) class PASCALIMPLEMENTATION TAbstractBridge : public TCppBuilderObject { typedef TCppBuilderObject inherited; public: virtual void __fastcall About() = 0 ; virtual void __fastcall ReQuery() = 0 ; virtual int __fastcall ModuleCount() = 0 ; virtual bool __fastcall GetModuleData(int Index, RModuleData &pModuleData) = 0 ; virtual bool __fastcall GetModuleChannels(int Index, System::Classes::TStringList* &pSL) = 0 ; virtual bool __fastcall GetSafeModuleChannelList(char * pBuffer, int Index, int MaxLen) = 0 ; public: /* TObject.Create */ inline __fastcall TAbstractBridge() : TCppBuilderObject() { } /* TObject.Destroy */ inline __fastcall virtual ~TAbstractBridge() { } }; #pragma pack(pop) //-- var, const, procedure --------------------------------------------------- static const System::Int8 NI_MODULE = System::Int8(0x0); static const System::Int8 NI_CHANNEL = System::Int8(0x1); static const System::Word STRING_SIZE = System::Word(0x100); extern "C" TAbstractBridge* __stdcall SolidBridgeFactory(); extern DELPHI_PACKAGE TAbstractBridge* __stdcall BridgeFactory(); } /* namespace Loftybridge */ #if !defined(DELPHIHEADER_NO_IMPLICIT_NAMESPACE_USE) && !defined(NO_USING_NAMESPACE_LOFTYBRIDGE) using namespace Loftybridge; #endif #pragma pack(pop) #pragma option pop #pragma delphiheader end. //-- end unit ---------------------------------------------------------------- #endif // LoftybridgeHPP unit LoftyBridge; {WARNING THIS UNIT MAY CAUSE MEMORY ISSUES IT IS AN INTERFACE FOR NIBridge writen in C++ Builder Try ShareMem in the uses clause USE SAFE FUNCTIONS WITH NO ShareMem } interface uses Classes; const NI_MODULE = 0; NI_CHANNEL = 1; const STRING_SIZE= 256; type ShortAnsiString = array[1..256] of ansichar; type RModuleData = record name:ShortAnsiString; product_type:ShortAnsiString; not_chassied:boolean; SerialNo:uInt32; SlotNo:uInt32; end; type pModuleData = ^RModuleData; type pTStringList = ^TStringList; Type TCppBuilderObject = class private protected public procedure Finalize();virtual;abstract; procedure Free(); end; type TAbstractBridge = class(TCppBuilderObject) private protected //procedure Finalize();virtual;abstract; public procedure About();virtual;abstract; procedure ReQuery();virtual;abstract; function ModuleCount():integer;virtual;abstract; function GetModuleData(Index:integer; var pModuleData:RModuleData):boolean;virtual;abstract; function GetModuleChannels(Index:integer;var pSL:TStringList):boolean;virtual;abstract; function GetSafeModuleChannelList(pBuffer:PAnsiChar;Index:Integer;MaxLen:Integer):boolean;virtual;abstract; end; {$IFDEF TEST_BRIDGE} function SolidBridgeFactory():TAbstractBridge;stdCall;external 'C:\CBuild\NIBridge.bpl'; {$ELSE} {$IFDEF WIN32} function SolidBridgeFactory():TAbstractBridge;stdCall;external 'NIBridge.bpl'; {$ENDIF} {$IFDEF WIN64} function SolidBridgeFactory():TAbstractBridge;stdCall;external 'NIBridge.bpl'; {$ENDIF} {$ENDIF} function BridgeFactory():TAbstractBridge;stdCall implementation function BridgeFactory():TAbstractBridge;stdCall begin result := nil; end; { TAbstractBridge } { TCppBuilderObject } procedure TCppBuilderObject.Free; begin Finalize(); inherited; end; { TAbstractBridge } end.