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The FMX.InAppPurchase component already implements in-app purchase for iOS, and since OSX uses the same StoreKit library, I simply added an OSX copy of the iOS implementation and adjusted it to "work" on OSX. It works as far as it compiles and runs, and I can call "QueryProducts", which also initiates a Delegate callback. Once in a while I can even successfully read the product details from App Store that I receive in the callback, but most of the time the callback fails with an AV. It seems to be random where it fails. If I restart paserver before each run I can increase the chance that it works, but except from that I did not find any correlation between changes I have made and a successful request. The testprogram works fine on iOS. On OSX I have tried to target both Mojave and Cataline, and both 32 bit and 64 bit editions. They all fail. As the OSX code is the same as the iOS code, I guess that the problems are related to differences between the iOS and the OSX target in the Objective-C handling and wrapping. Any ideas what could be wrong, or what I should try? (or maybesomeone with more knowledge about Objective-C wrapping and the inner workings of Delphi could help me with this?) Below are some extracts from the code in my new unit "FMX.InAppPurchase.Mac". My test program creates TiOSInAppPurchaseService and call QueryProducts. It works without errors, and a few seconds later the TiOSProductsRequestDelegate.productsRequest callback is called. From here random AV's happens. Usually it fails on the first line FIAPService.FProductList.Clear, and sometimes it fails earlier in "DispatchToDelphi" or later in one of the following lines. TIAPProductList = class(TList<TProduct>) end; procedure TiOSInAppPurchaseService.QueryProducts(const ProductIDs: TStrings); var ProductIDsArray: NSMutableArray; ProductIDsSet: NSSet; ProductID: string; begin ProductIDsArray := TNSMutableArray.Create; for ProductID in ProductIDs do ProductIDsArray.addObject(PStrToNSStr(ProductID)); ProductIDsSet := TNSSet.Wrap(TNSSet.OCClass.setWithArray(ProductIDsArray)); FProductsRequest := TSKProductsRequest.Wrap(TSKProductsRequest.Alloc.initWithProductIdentifiers(ProductIDsSet)); ... FProductsRequest.setDelegate((FProductsRequestDelegate as ILocalObject).GetObjectID); FProductsRequest.start; end; constructor TiOSInAppPurchaseService.Create; begin ... FProductsRequestDelegate := TiOSProductsRequestDelegate.Create(Self); FProductList := TIAPProductList.Create; end; constructor TiOSProductsRequestDelegate.Create(const IAPService: TiOSInAppPurchaseService); begin inherited Create; FIAPService := IAPService; end; procedure TiOSProductsRequestDelegate.productsRequest(request: SKProductsRequest; didReceiveResponse: SKProductsResponse); begin FIAPService.FProductList.Clear; ... end;