I am using Delphi 11.2 (Patch 1) on Windows 11 (22H2):
A few weeks ago, I added a check to our software to be able to verify against a time server independently of the rest of the system, as our customers had issues with internal network time synchronization in the past. Since Sunday, we "suddenly" have a one-hour deviation. Last weekend we went back from UTC+2 to UTC+1.
I have simplified it to the most basic test possible, just a form with a TIdSNTP component and an edit box to enter the server. And even then, I still get a time that is exactly one hour in the future. Have I overlooked something? Since we are now on "standard time," I would have expected there to have been problems during development and testing in the past weeks.
memo1.Lines.Add('Server: '+LabeledEdit1.Text+' Internet time: '+DateTimeToStr(IdSNTP1.DateTime)+' Local time: '+datetimetostr(now));
The result is: