I am compiling an old program that was written in borland pascal and now using RAD 10.3 (delphi) CE to run it.
I got an error "Can't resolve unit named WinDos" . ........ERROR_1
I tried using 'windows' and commented WinDos, WinProcs and WinTypes
{ WinDos, WinProcs and WinTypes} windows,
to resolve above ERROR_1 BUT
I am getting error about 'doserror' for a code as:
if (length (name) = some_int) and (pos (':\',name) = some_another_int)
and ((doserror = 18) or (doserror = 0))
[dcc32 Error] unit.PAS: E2003 Undeclared identifier: 'doserror'
What to do?