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Mike Warren

Zooming At Mouse Position

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I don't know what I'm doing wrong, but I can't seem to get this to work properly.


For each page (TFrame) I have a TScrollBox that contains a number of  Layers (TScaledLayout), which in turn contain a bunch of components.


I zoom in and out using the mouse wheel and want the position of the frame to remain visually locked to the mouse cursor as I zoom. What I thought would work would be to change the Scrollbox.ViewportPosition as I zoom, but this produces a non-linear movement (a strange curve). Each step of the mouse wheel changes the zoom in 10% increments. Here's the code:

if WheelDelta > 0 then
    Z := CurrentPage.Zoom + 0.1;
    if Z > 4 then
      Z := 4
      CurrentPage.sbView.ViewportPosition := CurrentPage.sbView.ViewportPosition * 1.1;
  end else begin
    Z := CurrentPage.Zoom - 0.1;
    if Z < 0.1 then
      Z := 0.1
      CurrentPage.sbView.ViewportPosition := CurrentPage.sbView.ViewportPosition / 1.1;
  CurrentPage.Zoom := Z;

This is the Zoom code:

procedure TfrmPage.SetZoom(const Value: Single);
  I: Integer;
  FZoom := Value;
  for I := 0 to LayerCount -1 do
    Layers[I].Zoom := FZoom; 

// The layer frame is not shown. Instead, the ScaledLayouts are parented to the page frame's scrollbox
procedure TfrmLayer.SetZoom(const Value: Single);
  FZoom := Value;
  slContent.Width := slContent.OriginalWidth * FZoom;
  slContent.Height := slContent.OriginalHeight * FZoom;


The video below shows what happens. What am I doing wrong?




Edited by Mike Warren

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How is your code supposed to work since you don't use at all the mouse position in the code?

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2 hours ago, dwrbudr said:

How is your code supposed to work since you don't use at all the mouse position in the code?

Good point. This is simplified because I couldn't get it to work in a way that makes sense to me.


I have a member that gets set in the page's MouseMove event:

FMouseOnPage: TPointF


But I took that out for testing, expecting the zoom to at least stay centred. But It does that weird curve.


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Okay, this seems to work:

  P1, P2: TPointF;
  // Mouse location on page before zoom
  P1 := (sbView.ScreenToLocal(Screen.MousePos) + sbView.ViewportPosition) / CurrentPage.Zoom;

  if WheelDelta > 0 then
    Z := CurrentPage.Zoom + 0.1;
    if Z > 4 then Z := 4;
  end else begin
    Z := CurrentPage.Zoom - 0.1;
    if Z < 0.1 then Z := 0.1;

  // Mouse location on page after zoom
  P2 := (sbView.ScreenToLocal(Screen.MousePos) + sbView.ViewportPosition) / Z;

  sbView.ViewportPosition := sbView.ViewportPosition + ((P1 - P2) * Z);

  CurrentPage.Zoom := Z;


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