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Skia and default FontService

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Currently I use a default font service to globally change font/font size. I found it somewhere on the interwebs a while back, and it is great as I no longer have to iterate through all the controls setting them on font change.


TDefaultFont = class(TInterfacedObject, IFMXSystemFontService)
    function GetDefaultFontFamilyName: string;
    function GetDefaultFontSize: Single;

function TDefaultFont.GetDefaultFontFamilyName: string;
  result := 'Segoe UI';

function TDefaultFont.GetDefaultFontSize: Single;
  result := 16.0;


TFont.FontService := TDefaultFont.Create;


What I'm looking for is to the do same with skLabel, as this method doesn't work as the library uses TskTextSettings instead of TTextSettings. Any recommendations would be very helpful!


** EDIT **


We have custom controls that use TLabel's - which we swapped out for TskLabel's. We have unique requirements for text formatting that we had to use TCanvas for rendering. Swapping to TskLabels, we don't have to do that anymore!


Until we find a global solution, we added to the controls an internal TTextSettings that we pull the global default font values from then assign them to the corresponding skLabel properties. Of course, provided that the TStyledSettings aren't active for the respective property.

Edited by SayWhat

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