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Bart Kindt

TLocationlistener.. fails in Delphi 12.

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In my Android app, in the Service, I have code which in Delphi 12 no longer works, and I don't understand why:



  TLocationListener = class; // <<<<[DCC Error] DTBU.pas(39): E2291 Missing implementation of interface method JLocationListener.onFlushComplete


// Then in TDTBThread:

locationListener : TLocationListener;


// then further down:


  TLocationListener = class(TJavaLocal, JLocationListener)
    constructor Create;
    procedure onLocationChanged(location: JLocation); overload; cdecl;
    procedure onLocationChanged(locations: JList); overload; cdecl;
    procedure onProviderDisabled(provider: JString); cdecl;
    procedure onProviderEnabled(provider: JString); cdecl;
    procedure onStatusChanged(provider: JString; status: Integer; extras: JBundle); cdecl;



The code is from years ago; Should I do it in a different way?


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1 minute ago, Bart Kindt said:

E2291 Missing implementation of interface method JLocationListener.onFlushComplete

Your TLocationListener does not implement onFlushComplete, which was added to JLocationListener in Delphi 12:

  JLocationListener = interface(IJavaInstance)
    procedure onFlushComplete(requestCode: Integer); cdecl;
    procedure onLocationChanged(location: JLocation); cdecl; overload;
    procedure onLocationChanged(locations: JList); cdecl; overload;
    procedure onProviderDisabled(provider: JString); cdecl;
    procedure onProviderEnabled(provider: JString); cdecl;
    procedure onStatusChanged(provider: JString; status: Integer; extras: JBundle); cdecl;//Deprecated


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That fixed it... I had no idea that it was _required_ that the 'missing' procedure had to be added in the final source code, as I am not going to use it...


Big thanks Dave.


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Posted (edited)

Pode me informar como resolve este erro?

Instalei a versão Delphi 12 e também tenho o mesmo problema.


[DCC Error] System.Android.SensorsDD.pas(137): E2291 Missing implementation of interface method JLocationListener.onFlushComplete

[DCC Error] System.Android.SensorsDD.pas(137): E2291 Missing implementation of interface method JLocationListener.onLocationChanged


[DCC Fatal Error] UServico.pas(13): F2063 Could not compile used unit 'System.Android.SensorsDD.pas'



Pode me ajudar?

Edited by Rodrigo Silva

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9 hours ago, Rodrigo Silva said:


Assuming that the above unit is a modified copy of System.Android.Sensors.pas from an earlier version of Delphi, you'll need to update it to align with Delphi 12.

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