Roger Cigol 113 Posted January 15, 2024 I am using C++ Builder (RAD Studio 12.0) compiling to a Win64 VCL project working with PostgreSQL 13 database. RAD Studio 12.0 includes the bug fix of RSP-28292 - use of SQLTimeStampOffset fields in FireDAC. I have fields in my postgreSQL tables that are type TimeStampWithTimeZone. When viewed using PgAdmin4 they display values such as 2024-01-15 15:05:12+00 (for winter in the UK = UTC) or 2016-06-09 15:13:03+01 (for summer in the UK = BTS - one hour ahead of UTC). I use fireDAC TFDQuery and obtain datasets with these fields in. If I use // ToBeRead is the TField pointer within the dataset (typically obtained using FieldByName()) TSQLTimeStampOffset UTC_O = ToBeRead->AsSQLTimeStampOffset; Then I get a value in UTC_0 which has a time offset figure of zero and the hours compensated for. Using the above two examples this would mean UTC_0 would be equal to {2024, 01, 15, 15, 05, 12, 0, 0, 0} or {2016, 06, 09, 14, 13, 03, 0, 0, 0} // note: time offset is returned as zero and the hours value has been decremented by 1 This is not the behaviour I expected. I thought I would get the value as local time and with the time offset value set to the same value as displayed by pgAdmin4, ie for the summer case, I would expect {2016, 06, 09, 15, 13, 03, 0, 1, 0} // result in BST and time offset = 1 hour Users of my software want to see the time values displayed in local time (of course) so I have to convert this UTC value to BST for date/time values in the summer. RAD Studio 12.0 doesn't seem to implement functions UTCToLoca() or LocalToUTC() for arguments of type TSQLTimeStampOffset. It DOES implement these functions for type TSQLTimeStamp. So I am forced to first convert my TSQLTimeStampOffset to a TSQLTimeStamp value and then convert it to local time. I use this code.... TDateTime GetPgSQLDataSetFieldAsLocalTime(TField *ToBeRead) { TDateTime LocalDateTime; if (ToBeRead) { // Reading AsSQLTimeStampOffset seems to return UTC value // (ie TimeZone is Zero and hours (+days etc) have been compensated correctly) // This is not ideal ! TSQLTimeStampOffset UTC_O = ToBeRead->AsSQLTimeStampOffset; TSQLTimeStamp UTC; UTC.Year = UTC_O.Year; UTC.Month = UTC_O.Month; UTC.Day = UTC_O.Day; UTC.Hour = UTC_O.Hour; UTC.Minute = UTC_O.Minute; UTC.Second = UTC_O.Second; UTC.Fractions = UTC_O.Fractions; TSQLTimeStamp Local = UTCToLocal(UTC); LocalDateTime = SQLTimeStampToDateTime(Local); } return LocalDateTime; } This all works but it all has the feel of being a "work around". To update the field from a local time I am now using this code. void UpdatePgSQLDataSetFieldFromLocalTime(TField *ToBeUpdated, TDateTime LocalDateTime) { if (ToBeUpdated) { TSQLTimeStamp Local = DateTimeToSQLTimeStamp(LocalDateTime); TSQLTimeStamp UTC = LocalToUTC(Local); TSQLTimeStampOffset UTC_O; UTC_O.Year = UTC.Year; UTC_O.Month = UTC.Month; UTC_O.Day = UTC.Day; UTC_O.Hour = UTC.Hour; UTC_O.Minute = UTC.Minute; UTC_O.Second = UTC.Second; UTC_O.Fractions = UTC.Fractions; UTC_O.TimeZoneHour = 0; UTC_O.TimeZoneMinute = 0; ToBeUpdated->AsSQLTimeStampOffset = UTC_O; } } Again, this all works. But it all seems fairly "hard work" to code. I post the code here in case it helps anyone out. I am interested to know if anyone has a better way of working with TimeStampWithTimeZone field types and local time values. Share this post Link to post
Roger Cigol 113 Posted January 22, 2024 I thought I would add some code with "what doesn't work" and how to use the above two functions to make it work. Assume you have a postgreSQL database connected and that you have a query that returns a record that contains a date/time value and that the database stores this value as a "time stamp with time zone" format (PostgreSQL users can call this timestamptz). I would expect the following code to work - but after you run it AllOkA is true (showing it works for UTC local time) but AllOkB is false (showing it falls over for BST (British Summer Time)). TFDQuery *FDQuery = SampleFDQuery; // a query which returns a record with a timestampwithoffset field FDQuery->Close(); // work with the oldest record (any one would do) FDQuery->ParamByName(SSQP_PrimaryKey)->AsLargeInt = 1; FDQuery->OpenOrExecute(); FDQuery->First(); // should only be one entry TField *Field = FDQuery->FieldByName(PG_Sensors_TimeDate); // try a winter time (January) (this is UTC - works without special function calls TDateTime WinterLocalDateTime{2020, 1, 17, 9, 8, 7, 0}; FDQuery->Edit(); Field->AsDateTime = WinterLocalDateTime; //=== FDQuery->Post(); FDQuery->Close(); FDQuery->OpenOrExecute(); Field = FDQuery->FieldByName(PG_Sensors_TimeDate); TDateTime Check = Field->AsDateTime; //=== FDQuery->Close(); AllOkA = (WinterLocalDateTime == Check); if (AllOkA) { FDQuery->OpenOrExecute(); Field = FDQuery->FieldByName(PG_Sensors_TimeDate); // try a summer time (June) (BST - one hour ahead of UTC) TDateTime SummerLocalDateTime{2020, 6, 17, 9, 8, 7, 0}; FDQuery->Edit(); Field->AsDateTime = SummerLocalDateTime; //=== FDQuery->Post(); FDQuery->Close(); FDQuery->OpenOrExecute(); Field = FDQuery->FieldByName(PG_Sensors_TimeDate); Check = Field->AsDateTime; //=== FDQuery->Close(); AllOkB = (SummerLocalDateTime == Check); } If I replace the lines with comments //=== with calls to the functions given in my previous posting I get code that works for both winter and BST summer times (ie both AllOkA and AllOkB are true at the end of the code). TFDQuery *FDQuery = SampleFDQuery; // a query which returns a record with a timestampwithoffset field FDQuery->Close(); // work with the oldest record (any one would do) FDQuery->ParamByName(SSQP_PrimaryKey)->AsLargeInt = 1; FDQuery->OpenOrExecute(); FDQuery->First(); // should only be one entry TField *Field = FDQuery->FieldByName(PG_Sensors_TimeDate); // try a winter time (January) (this is UTC - works without special function calls TDateTime WinterLocalDateTime{2020, 1, 17, 9, 8, 7, 0}; FDQuery->Edit(); UpdatePgSQLDataSetFieldIfNotDefaultDate(Field, WinterLocalDateTime); //=== FDQuery->Post(); FDQuery->Close(); FDQuery->OpenOrExecute(); Field = FDQuery->FieldByName(PG_Sensors_TimeDate); TDateTime Check = GetPgSQLDataSetFieldAsLocalTime(Field); //=== FDQuery->Close(); AllOkA = (WinterLocalDateTime == Check); if (AllOkA) { FDQuery->OpenOrExecute(); Field = FDQuery->FieldByName(PG_Sensors_TimeDate); // try a summer time (June) (BST - one hour ahead of UTC) TDateTime SummerLocalDateTime{2020, 6, 17, 9, 8, 7, 0}; FDQuery->Edit(); UpdatePgSQLDataSetFieldIfNotDefaultDate(Field, SummerLocalDateTime);//=== FDQuery->Post(); FDQuery->Close(); FDQuery->OpenOrExecute(); Field = FDQuery->FieldByName(PG_Sensors_TimeDate); Check = GetPgSQLDataSetFieldAsLocalTime(Field); //=== FDQuery->Close(); AllOkB = (SummerLocalDateTime == Check); } I do not have a copy of Microsoft SQLServer but I would think it very likely that the same problem exists with this too. (but am wise enough to wait for someone else to verity this !). Share this post Link to post
Roger Cigol 113 Posted January 22, 2024 Just realised I missed out the (trivial) definitions of AllOkA and AllOkB at the top of the code: For completeness I add: bool AllOkA = false; bool AllOkB = false; Share this post Link to post