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Roger Cigol

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Roger Cigol last won the day on August 17 2023

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  • Delphi-Version
    Delphi 11 Alexandria

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  1. Roger Cigol

    Newbie Question 1

    ...Also: which compiler are you using. C++ "classic" is the 32 bit compiler developed by Borland but basically frozen quite some number of years ago. The recommended compilers are Clang32 for 32 bit targets and Clang64 for 64bit targets. 12.1 also introduced a new tool chain for clang 64bit which is expected to replace the earlier 64bit system (this is currently called clang64 modern) but in 12.1 it has some minor limitations which may make it not your first choice if you are still finding your way around. These limitations are understood by Embarcadero and are expected to be removed in next version or two with the goal being to replace the clang64 approach with this "clang 64 modern" approach. You select the compiler used for 32 bit applications using the menu Project | Options and then under Builiding | C++ compiler there is an entry "Use classic borland compiler" (I suggest you set this to "false"). You select the compiler used for 64 bit applications using the "target platform" in the project tree.
  2. Roger Cigol

    Newbie Question 1

    Hi Newbee, I wonder what version you are using here? Embarcadero have tried various experiments with the auto completion type editing functionality in recent editions. It is only in 12.1 - with reasonable integration of the visual assists components from Whole Tomato that things are working well. I find 12.1 auto completion fast and reliable.
  3. Roger Cigol

    Suggestion for next version name - YASAB

    Me also - and I use the C++ side a lot and that too is also good.
  4. Roger Cigol

    Using FireDAC with Access accdb file

    This is true for design time connections. But you can compile to 64 bit application and then connect at run time (but if you do this you CANNOT connect at design time because of the limitation I mention above).
  5. Roger Cigol

    Using FireDAC with Access accdb file

    You can only open MS Access files on a PC using either 64 bit apps (in which case you need to install the 64 bit MS Access drivers into Windows) or 32 bit apps (in which case you need MS Access on the machine (or at least the drivers). You cannot have both on the machine at the same time.
  6. Roger Cigol

    Why does IDE require UAC elevation when starting?

    Everyone accepts that it is correct that you need elevated privileges to install. "There is no difference between them" means for me either route has always led to being able to run the IDE from a "standard user" account without elevated privileges.
  7. Roger Cigol

    Why does IDE require UAC elevation when starting?

    I've used ISO and web based installers for different installations - no difference between them.
  8. Roger Cigol

    Why does IDE require UAC elevation when starting?

    I've been using RAD Studio since 2009 (ie pre "XE" days") and never had to use elevated privileges to run the IDE. 12.1 exactly the same..... I second this.
  9. Roger Cigol

    XML File - I need a schema for this file

    Wow! super fast response. I wasn't aware of that useful site - so thanks for the link. I will try this xsd and see how I get on.... Thank you Lars.
  10. I have a short sample XML file which is as follows <?xml version="1.0"?> <authors> <author> <name>abc</name> <posts> <items> <title lang="eng1">abc item 1</title> <content lang="eng2">abc item 1</content> </items> <items> <title lang="eng3">abc item 2</title> <content lang="eng4">abc item 2</content> </items> <items> <title lang="eng5">abc item 3</title> <content>abc item 3</content> </items> <items> <title>abc item 4</title> <content lang="eng6">abc item 4</content> </items> </posts> </author> </authors> I need a schema (ie a file *.xsd format) for this xml format. Schema creation tools I have tried don't seem to be able to handle the fact that nodes such as <title>...</title> contain both an attribute and text data. If I use a tool to create a schema *.xsd and then recreate a sample xml from the created schema I always find that the resulting xml created is missing either the attribute or the data, meaning the schema I have generated does NOT match my XML file. Can anyone create a schema that does correctly map to an XML file with nodes with both attribute and text data? I know it's not a delphi question (or a C++ Builder question) but I also know there are some XML gurus on Delphi Praxis that might be able to solve my problem very easily ! Thanks in anticipation
  11. Roger Cigol

    Convert Visual Studio 2012 code to Delphi

    Exactly, I've checked my tool box, I don't have a BMW ZGW device or a way of simulating one........ I would also need someone to tell me what it was supposed to do in the event of different failures when communicating with the BMW ZGW device.....
  12. Roger Cigol

    Convert Visual Studio 2012 code to Delphi

    I have said before: You can tell a good software engineer if the first question they ask is "how am I going to test this?". If I were to translate your code into Delphi how would I test it to know that it works ?
  13. I agree - the key thing is that a text file (including a unicode text file) does not contain information about the display of the characters so any attempt at alignment can never be guaranteed to have success. Thinking out of the box - what about the plain old TAB character? using this as a separator between your columns might result in any reasonable file viewer lining them up for you. Always good to try a simple solution first.....
  14. Roger Cigol

    NULL iterators in C++ Builder - 32 bit vs. 64 bit

    just add a bool variable to keep track of if mp1MyType is valid or not ? and when not valid (equivalent to your old NULL value) simply ignore the value of mp1MyType ? seems simple enough to fix the code snippet you posted....
  15. Roger Cigol

    TeeChart constraints on automatic axis

    One way is to add two dummy series, one with Y values that are at the smallest maximum value you want to allow and one with Y values at the largest minimum value you want to allow. Then set the colour of the two dummy lines equal to the background colour (so they aren't visible to the user). Not the most elegant solution but a devious workable one.....