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System.Math.InRange implementation: Why with separate booleans?

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Good day,

I found the implementation in the Math unit like this:

function InRange(const AValue, AMin, AMax: Integer): Boolean;
  A, B: Boolean;
  A := (AValue >= AMin);
  B := (AValue <= AMax);
  Result := B and A;

Why is that, shouldn't it be more performant as one-liner?

function InRange(const AValue, AMin, AMax: Integer): Boolean;
  Result := (AValue >= AMin) and (AValue <= AMax);

Maybe there is a catch, I don't see here.
The only reason to use two separate boolean, I can imagine, is for improving the debugging experience.


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If the compiler optimization was worth a penny it would not matter which way the code was written and it would emit the best version regardless and depending on the situation where this function is being called and inlined - however, the compiler optimization is rather terrible so this might be some poor attempt to optimize for a certain situation where storing in two boolean variables creates less or no conditional jumps opposed to the short circuit evaluated combined expression with two comparisons.

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Thanks, a lot of information to read.
Yes, usually optimization should fix this, but since I know that Delphi is not perfect in that regard ...

I'll keep it as-is, since there seems no "back magic" behind.

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