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How I can clear engine after exec script ?

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procedure Thread.ExecuteWithPython;

  var Lines: TStringlist := TStringlist.Create;
  Lines.Text := code;
  var ppO: PPyObject;
    ppO := GetPythonEngine.Run_CommandAsObject(Lines.Text, file_input, '<string>');


Okay, I has new problem, I tried understand this, but cant. Oken I can exec script as example


a = 10

Script was executed


procedure TMainForm.TerminateThread(Sender: Tobject);
  th: Thread absolute Sender;
  work := false;

and I launch againt but code python now is:



And he knew about this variable, it shouldn't be like this... I have a Telegram database that is blocked after initializing the TelegramClient variable. I need to free up memory after executing the code, because I have many different pieces of Python code that are executed by pressing different buttons, but the engine is the same, so it needs to be cleaned up somehow. I tried to Google the information, but it's difficult when you don't understand much, and even more difficult when there is very little information)

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Hint:  The answer is in PythonThreads · pyscripter/python4delphi Wiki (github.com)


Other solutions include:

  • Modify your scripts so that they do not create global variables (wrap everything inside a function which you execute)
  • At the end of your python script delete (del) any global variables you create
  • Use Run_CommandAsObjectWithDict or ExecStrings, passing new empty dictionaries to the optional locals, and globals parameters, which you then destroy.


Edited by pyscripter

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7 hours ago, pyscripter said:

Hint:  The answer is in PythonThreads · pyscripter/python4delphi Wiki (github.com)


Other solutions include:

  • Modify your scripts so that they do not create global variables (wrap everything inside a function which you execute)
  • At the end of your python script delete (del) any global variables you create
  • Use Run_CommandAsObjectWithDict or ExecStrings, passing new empty dictionaries to the optional locals, and globals parameters, which you then destroy.


Thank you, I've managed to solve some of my issues, but the best solution - to remove these variables from Python.

procedure Thread.ExecuteWithPython;
  with GetPythonEngine do
    Run_CommandAsObjectWithDict(code, file_input, PyDict_New, PyDict_New);


Edited by CBAPKA

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1 hour ago, CBAPKA said:

PyDict_New, PyDict_New

You need to decrease the refcount of these pyobjects after using them.

Edited by pyscripter

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