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TIdHTTP no longer found

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Windows 10, Delphi XE


It's some years since I used TIdHTTP in a program.  Now I'm trying to use it again, in  new program.


I don't remember whether in my old program I simply added IdHTTP to the "uses" statement, but when I do that in the new program I get F1026 File not found: 'IdHTTP.dcu', as well as Cannot resolve unit name 'IdHTTP' at line 38


Perhaps in the old program I had placed some control on the form, but now I don't see anything on the Tool Palette that mentions TIdHTTP.


On going back to my old program and trying to open the source (which is unchanged and has "IdHTTP" in its "uses"), Delphi now says Error reading Form1 - Class TIdHTTP not found and the form is not created.


What could be causing IdHTTP to go missing?

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It sounds like you disabled/uninstalled the Indy packages from the IDE.  Under the "Component" menu, choose "Install Packages", and make sure the 2 design-time packages dclIndyCore and dclIndyProtocols are installed and enabled.  If they are, then make sure your project's search paths are configured correctly.

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Thank you, Remy.  Yes, those two design-time packages were not present on the list of Installed Packages, so I added them, and everything seems to be in order again.


When I was writing the "old" program some years ago, I had to update Indy (from 10.1.1. to 10.6.2) and these packages were on the list then, and I have no idea how they could have been removed in the interim.

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