philipp.hofmann 4 Posted March 27, 2024 Hi, my current Indy implementation sends email synchron, so my method is waiting until the mail is sent and then showing a result. It's not clear for me how I can achieve this with ICS-code as after I've requested connect, the app is frozen, even if I request connect within a thread. Is this achievable to avoid bigger changes on our code while migrating from Indy to ICS? class function TEMailUtils.sendEmail(receiver,subject,body,attachment:String;IdIOHandler:TIdSSLIOHandlerSocketOpenSSL;doNotReply:boolean):boolean; begin finished:=false; if (sslSmtpClient=nil) then begin sslSmtpClient:=TSSLSmtpCli.create(nil); sslContext:=TSSLContext.create(nil); sslSmtpClient.SslContext:=sslContext; SslSmtpClient.Host:=''; SslSmtpClient.Port:='465'; SslSmtpClient.AuthType:=TSmtpAuthType.smtpAuthLogin; SslSmtpClient.SslType:=TSmtpSslType.smtpTlsImplicit; SslSmtpClient.Username:=''; SslSmtpClient.Password:='xxxxxxxxxxxxx'; SslSmtpClient.OnRequestDone:=SslSmtpClientRequestDone; end; if (doNotReply) then SslSmtpClient.FromName:='doNotReply (icTrainer)' else SslSmtpClient.FromName:='icTrainer'; SslSmtpClient.HdrFrom:=SslSmtpClient.FromName; SslSmtpClient.HdrTo := receiver; SslSmtpClient.RcptName.Clear; SslSmtpClient.RcptNameAdd(receiver,'',''); SslSmtpClient.HdrSubject := subject; SslSmtpClient.MailMessage:=TStringUtils.getTStringList(body,'|'); SslSmtpClient.EmailFiles.Add(attachment);'start sendMail'); SslSmtpClient.Connect; while (not finished) do sleep(100); result:=resultVal;'finished sendMail: '+TStringUtils.BoolToStr(resultVal)); end; class procedure TEMailUtils.SslSmtpClientRequestDone(Sender : TObject; RqType : TSmtpRequest; Error : Word); begin'RequestDone Rq=' + IntToStr(Ord(RqType)) + ' Error='+ IntToStr(Error)); if (Error <> 0) then begin'Can`t send mail: RequestDone Rq=' + IntToStr(Ord(RqType)) +' Error='+ SslSmtpClient.ErrorMessage); finished:=true; Exit; end; case RqType of smtpConnect: SslSmtpClient.Ehlo; smtpEhlo: SslSmtpClient.Auth; smtpAuth: SslSmtpClient.MailFrom; smtpMailFrom: SslSmtpClient.RcptTo; smtpRcptTo: SslSmtpClient.Data; smtpData: begin'Send Mail and quit'); resultVal:=true; finished:=true; SslSmtpClient.Quit; end; end; end; Share this post Link to post
Angus Robertson 591 Posted March 28, 2024 Please read my comments about using the TIcsMailQueue component in a topic in this conference two weeks ago about sending HTML mail. Angus Share this post Link to post