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Install ICS V9.1 in D10.4

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I'm getting 

  [Fatal Error] Can't load package IcsCommonNewDesign$(Auto).bpl.
 The system cannot find the file specified 

When trying to install ICS V9.1 into D10.4

- The BPLS are however successfully all created in 


with the suffix 270 [which apparently is the 'package version' for 'product version' 21.0 - Delphi 10.4]

e.g.  C:\Users\Public\Documents\Embarcadero\Studio\21.0\Bpl\IcsCommonNewDesign270.bpl is built when I click on Build in the project Manager pane.

(same behaviour for IcsCommonNewRun and IcsVclNewRun  and IcsVclNewDesign)


I guess there is some path definition missing or incorrect - any help would be gratefully received - I have followed all the steps in the install doc ReadMe9.txt from scratch (3 times now)


Many thanks 

Edited by HGRogers

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I guess you have used the $(Auto) macro as part of the path, which is unfortunately not supported (to my knowledge).  You need to replace that with 21.0 for D10.4 for the path.




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Thank you for the rapid response.


 I've added 


explicitly as the first entry in the Library path 

I get the same result as previously - where should I make any other changes ?


Thanks again



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Since $(Auto) was in the fatal error message, it must exist somewhere in your path.  ICS only uses it within a package to define where files are built.




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I can't find any occurrence of the string '$(Auto)'  in any of the path statements/lists  I'm afraid. 


If anyone has a similar issue here is what I did to get to a solution,


Set the project options (as well as the IDE options) search path to


 for each off IcsCommonNewRun and IcsVclNewRun  and IcsCommonNewDesign and IcsVclNewDesign in turn.


They all now compile/build and the Designtime ones install


The BPL name in each case contains the string '$(Auto)' rather then the substituted package version number.

  e.g the built bpl filename is  IcsCommonNewDesign$(Auto).bpl 


Renamed each bpl to the desired name e.g. IcsCommonNewDesign270.bpl 

I then used the package list [Component | Install Package] to add them to the IDE.





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Support for LIB suffix $(Auto) was only added to D10.4, if the 'new' ICS packages using it are installed with older compilers, $(Auto) will appear in the BPL package file names. 


Perhaps it was added in a service version of 10.4 you have not installed. 




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