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How to open a .pas file and position the line?

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Hello Guys,


How to open a .pas file in Delphi and position the desired line of code, example: open the file and go to line 207 of the unit

I saw some topics about ToolsAPI, using IOTA
but I couldn't understand much,
Has anyone managed to perform this magic?

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Yes, you are going to use IOTA but you really need to read up on this topic until you understand it.


The basic steps you must take is something like this (pseudo code; don't try to compile it):

// Open the file in the IDE
(BorlandIDEServices as IOTAActionServices).OpenFile('my_unit.pas');

// Get the file "module"
var Module: IOTAModule := (BorlandIDEServices as IOTAModuleServices).FindModule('my_unit.pas');

// Iterate the module files
for var i := 0 to Module.GetModuleFileCount-1 do

// Get a module file editor
  var Editor: IOTASourceEditor;
  if not Supports(Module.GetModuleFileEditor(i), IOTASourceEditor, Editor) then

  // Make the editor visible

  // Get an editor view
  if (Editor.GetEditViewCount = 0) then
  var EditView: IOTAEditView := Editor.GetEditView(0);
  // Set the caret position
  var Position: TOTAEditPos;
  Position.Col := 1;
  Position.Line := ...
  // Scroll to make caret visible and 15 lines down from the top
  Position.Line := Max(1, Position.Line-15);
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On 4/19/2024 at 5:53 AM, Anders Melander said:

Sim, você vai usar IOTA, mas você realmente precisa ler sobre este tópico até que você entenda.


Os passos básicos que você deve tomar é algo como este (pseudo código; não tente compilá-lo):

// Open the file in the IDE
(BorlandIDEServices as IOTAActionServices).OpenFile('my_unit.pas');

// Get the file "module"
var Module: IOTAModule := (BorlandIDEServices as IOTAModuleServices).FindModule('my_unit.pas');

// Iterate the module files
for var i := 0 to Module.GetModuleFileCount-1 do

// Get a module file editor
  var Editor: IOTASourceEditor;
  if not Supports(Module.GetModuleFileEditor(i), IOTASourceEditor, Editor) then

  // Make the editor visible

  // Get an editor view
  if (Editor.GetEditViewCount = 0) then
  var EditView: IOTAEditView := Editor.GetEditView(0);
  // Set the caret position
  var Position: TOTAEditPos;
  Position.Col := 1;
  Position.Line := ...
  // Scroll to make caret visible and 15 lines down from the top
  Position.Line := Max(1, Position.Line-15);


Thanks man, I'll analyze it and see in practice, I'll give you feedback if I achieved something

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