o815 0 Posted April 25, 2024 Hey there, I was using the Python4Delphi library 2 years ago. So lately I decided to update to the latest version of P4D. I tried the example "35" from github: https://github.com/pyscripter/python4delphi/tree/master/Demos/Demo35 In my python code, I create an array "taps" which I want to read back to delphi. I dont't get understand how I can access to this varialbe: np_arr := ExtractPythonObjectFrom(taps); // np_arr = nil So my modified code looks like: const N = 100000; type PIntArray = ^TIntArray; TIntArray = array[0..N - 1] of Integer; var Sum: Int64; np: Variant; taps: Variant; np_arr: PPyObject; PyBuffer: Py_buffer; V: Variant; I: Integer; cmd : TStringList; begin try CreatePyEngine; try cmd := TStringList.Create; cmd.Add('from scipy.signal import kaiserord, lfilter, firwin, freqz, firwin2'); cmd.Add('taps = firwin2(511, [0.0, 0.032, 0.05, 0.07, 1.0], [0.0, 0.0, 15.0, 0.0, 0.0])'); { ^ |____________ I want to access this variable "taps" in delphi } PythonEngine.ExecStrings(cmd); // is executed without errors np_arr := ExtractPythonObjectFrom(taps); // np_arr = nil // PythonEngine.PyObject_GetBuffer(np_arr, @PyBuffer, PyBUF_CONTIG); // PythonEngine.CheckError; // try // Sum := 0; // for I := 0 to N - 1 do // Sum := Sum + PIntArray(PyBuffer.buf)^[I]; finally PythonEngine.PyBuffer_Release(@PyBuffer); end; finally DestroyEngine; end; except on E: Exception do Writeln(E.ClassName, ': ', E.Message); end; ReadLn; end. Perhaps someone got the trick, whats wrong in my code? Share this post Link to post
pyscripter 740 Posted April 25, 2024 (edited) Your taps Variant has not assigned a value. You are missing: taps := MainModule.taps; Edited April 25, 2024 by pyscripter 1 Share this post Link to post
o815 0 Posted April 25, 2024 (edited) Hey man, thanks this did the trick, cool! Hm there is no option to make this a little more generic, meaning: I create a DLL which is using python4delphi, an has following function: DLL idea: TDemoInput = record varName : string; // the name of variable in python code varValue : variant; // value end; TDemoOutput = record varName : string; // the name of variable in python code varValue : variant; // value end; function demo(APythonCode : TStrings; AInput : TArray<TDemoInput>; var AOutput : TArray<TDemoOutput> ): integer; var j : integer; begin result := 0; // return code (for erros) for j := 0 to length(AInput)-1 do begin MainModule.<AInput[idx].varName> := AInput[idx].varValue; // pseudo code -> is this possible with RTTI?! end; PythonEngine.ExecStrings(APythonCode); for j := 0 to length(AOutput)-1 do begin AOutput[idx].varValue := MainModule.<AOutput[idx].varName> := ; // pseudo code -> is this possible with RTTI?! end; end; Now I could call one function in dll and execute the same code as in my first post: var cmd : TStringlist; frequeny : Variant; // array of double gain : Variant; // array of double ... cmd := TStringList.Create; cmd.Add('from scipy.signal import kaiserord, lfilter, firwin, freqz, firwin2'); cmd.Add('taps = firwin2(511, frequency, gain)'); //DLL call demo(cmd, frequency, gain); Edited April 25, 2024 by o815 Share this post Link to post