CHackbart 13 Posted May 7, 2024 (edited) Hi, i am a bit clueless. All the buttons on the remote are not detected, except the cursor keys. My code is quite simple: protected procedure IsDialogKey(const Key: Word; const KeyChar: WideChar; const Shift: TShiftState; var IsDialog: Boolean); override; public ... procedure TForm1.FormKeyDown(Sender: TObject; var Key: Word; var KeyChar: WideChar; Shift: TShiftState); begin SendKey(Key, KeyChar); end; procedure TForm1.IsDialogKey(const Key: Word; const KeyChar: WideChar; const Shift: TShiftState; var IsDialog: Boolean); begin SendKey(Key, KeyChar); inherited; end; procedure TForm1.SendKey(const AKey: Word; const AKeyChar: WideChar); begin Label1.Text := format('%d - %s (%d)', [AKey, AKeyChar, ord(AKeyChar)]); end; The form only has a Label. I got a IsDialogKey event triggered when pressing, but Key and AKeyChar are 0 in every case - except when the cursor keys are pressed. Does someone have an idea? When I set a breakpoint at function TAndroidTextInputManager.HandleAndroidKeyEvent(AEvent: PAInputEvent): Int32; I see that my keys are detected well, but got lost in PlatformKeyToVirtualKey *wth*. I have to register all keys which are available for this certain platform. Christian Edited May 7, 2024 by CHackbart Share this post Link to post
Dave Nottage 586 Posted May 8, 2024 22 hours ago, CHackbart said: All the buttons on the remote are not detected, except the cursor keys. That's likely because there's only a few supported, including the arrow keys. This is some code I used a while ago in a TV app, which I have not touched in some time: type TKeyNavigation = (None, Home, Back, Left, Right, Up, Down, OK); // KeyUp method is overridden from TForm procedure TExampleForm.KeyUp(var Key: Word; var KeyChar: System.WideChar; Shift: TShiftState); var LKeyNavigation: TKeyNavigation; LIsTV: Boolean; begin // For the following code, please refer to: // // and: // LIsTV := TOSDevice.GetUIMode = TUIMode.Television; LKeyNavigation := TKeyNavigation.None; case Key of vkHardwareBack, vkEscape: LKeyNavigation := TKeyNavigation.Back; vkleft: LKeyNavigation := TKeyNavigation.Left; vkUp: LKeyNavigation := TKeyNavigation.Up; vkRight: LKeyNavigation := TKeyNavigation.Right; vkDown: LKeyNavigation := TKeyNavigation.Down; 0, vkReturn: begin if KeyChar = #0 then LKeyNavigation := TKeyNavigation.OK; end; end; if FPreventExit and ((Key = vkHardwareBack) or (LIsTV and (Key = vkEscape))) then begin Key := 0; KeyChar := #0; end; if (LKeyNavigation <> TKeyNavigation.None) and LIsTV then KeyNavigation(LKeyNavigation); end; procedure TExampleForm.KeyNavigation(const ANavigation: TKeyNavigation); begin // Use this method to determine what to do with the navigation key end; Looking at it again now, it probably needs more work. Share this post Link to post
CHackbart 13 Posted May 8, 2024 const DefaultKeys: Array [0 .. 284] of integer = ( (* soft_left *) 1, (* soft_right *) 2, (* home *) 3, (* back *) 4, (* call *) 5, (* endcall *) 6, (* 0 *) 7, (* 1 *) 8, (* 2 *) 9, (* 3 *) 10, (* 4 *) 11, (* 5 *) 12, (* 6 *) 13, (* 7 *) 14, (* 8 *) 15, (* 9 *) 16, (* star *) 17, (* pound *) 18, (* dpad_up *) 19, (* dpad_down *) 20, (* dpad_left *) 21, (* dpad_right *) 22, (* dpad_center *) 23, (* volume_up *) 24, (* volume_down *) 25, (* power *) 26, (* camera *) 27, (* clear *) 28, (* a *) 29, (* b *) 30, (* c *) 31, (* d *) 32, (* e *) 33, (* f *) 34, (* g *) 35, (* h *) 36, (* i *) 37, (* j *) 38, (* k *) 39, (* l *) 40, (* m *) 41, (* n *) 42, (* o *) 43, (* p *) 44, (* q *) 45, (* r *) 46, (* s *) 47, (* t *) 48, (* u *) 49, (* v *) 50, (* w *) 51, (* x *) 52, (* y *) 53, (* z *) 54, (* comma *) 55, (* period *) 56, (* alt_left *) 57, (* alt_right *) 58, (* shift_left *) 59, (* shift_right *) 60, (* tab *) 61, (* space *) 62, (* sym *) 63, (* explorer *) 64, (* envelope *) 65, (* enter *) 66, (* del *) 67, (* grave *) 68, (* minus *) 69, (* equals *) 70, (* left_bracket *) 71, (* right_bracket *) 72, (* backslash *) 73, (* semicolon *) 74, (* apostrophe *) 75, (* slash *) 76, (* at *) 77, (* num *) 78, (* headsethook *) 79, (* focus *) 80, (* plus *) 81, (* menu *) 82, (* notification *) 83, (* search *) 84, (* media_play_pause *) 85, (* media_stop *) 86, (* media_next *) 87, (* media_previous *) 88, (* media_rewind *) 89, (* media_fast_forward *) 90, (* mute *) 91, (* page_up *) 92, (* page_down *) 93, (* pictsymbols *) 94, (* switch_charset *) 95, (* button_a *) 96, (* button_b *) 97, (* button_c *) 98, (* button_x *) 99, (* button_y *) 100, (* button_z *) 101, (* button_l1 *) 102, (* button_r1 *) 103, (* button_l2 *) 104, (* button_r2 *) 105, (* button_thumbl *) 106, (* button_thumbr *) 107, (* button_start *) 108, (* button_select *) 109, (* button_mode *) 110, (* escape *) 111, (* forward_del *) 112, (* ctrl_left *) 113, (* ctrl_right *) 114, (* caps_lock *) 115, (* scroll_lock *) 116, (* meta_left *) 117, (* meta_right *) 118, (* function *) 119, (* sysrq *) 120, (* break *) 121, (* move_home *) 122, (* move_end *) 123, (* insert *) 124, (* forward *) 125, (* media_play *) 126, (* media_pause *) 127, (* media_close *) 128, (* media_eject *) 129, (* media_record *) 130, (* f1 *) 131, (* f2 *) 132, (* f3 *) 133, (* f4 *) 134, (* f5 *) 135, (* f6 *) 136, (* f7 *) 137, (* f8 *) 138, (* f9 *) 139, (* f10 *) 140, (* f11 *) 141, (* f12 *) 142, (* num_lock *) 143, (* numpad_0 *) 144, (* numpad_1 *) 145, (* numpad_2 *) 146, (* numpad_3 *) 147, (* numpad_4 *) 148, (* numpad_5 *) 149, (* numpad_6 *) 150, (* numpad_7 *) 151, (* numpad_8 *) 152, (* numpad_9 *) 153, (* numpad_divide *) 154, (* numpad_multiply *) 155, (* numpad_subtract *) 156, (* numpad_add *) 157, (* numpad_dot *) 158, (* numpad_comma *) 159, (* numpad_enter *) 160, (* numpad_equals *) 161, (* numpad_left_paren *) 162, (* numpad_right_paren *) 163, (* volume_mute *) 164, (* info *) 165, (* channel_up *) 166, (* channel_down *) 167, (* zoom_in *) 168, (* zoom_out *) 169, (* tv *) 170, (* window *) 171, (* guide *) 172, (* dvr *) 173, (* bookmark *) 174, (* captions *) 175, (* settings *) 176, (* tv_power *) 177, (* tv_input *) 178, (* stb_power *) 179, (* stb_input *) 180, (* avr_power *) 181, (* avr_input *) 182, (* prog_red *) 183, (* prog_green *) 184, (* prog_yellow *) 185, (* prog_blue *) 186, (* app_switch *) 187, (* button_1 *) 188, (* button_2 *) 189, (* button_3 *) 190, (* button_4 *) 191, (* button_5 *) 192, (* button_6 *) 193, (* button_7 *) 194, (* button_8 *) 195, (* button_9 *) 196, (* button_10 *) 197, (* button_11 *) 198, (* button_12 *) 199, (* button_13 *) 200, (* button_14 *) 201, (* button_15 *) 202, (* button_16 *) 203, (* language_switch *) 204, (* manner_mode *) 205, (* 3d_mode *) 206, (* contacts *) 207, (* calendar *) 208, (* music *) 209, (* calculator *) 210, (* zenkaku_hankaku *) 211, (* eisu *) 212, (* muhenkan *) 213, (* henkan *) 214, (* katakana_hiragana *) 215, (* yen *) 216, (* ro *) 217, (* kana *) 218, (* assist *) 219, (* brightness_down *) 220, (* brightness_up *) 221, (* media_audio_track *) 222, (* sleep *) 223, (* wakeup *) 224, (* pairing *) 225, (* media_top_menu *) 226, (* 11 *) 227, (* 12 *) 228, (* last_channel *) 229, (* tv_data_service *) 230, (* voice_assist *) 231, (* tv_radio_service *) 232, (* tv_teletext *) 233, (* tv_number_entry *) 234, (* tv_terrestrial_analog *) 235, (* tv_terrestrial_digital *) 236, (* tv_satellite *) 237, (* tv_satellite_bs *) 238, (* tv_satellite_cs *) 239, (* tv_satellite_service *) 240, (* tv_network *) 241, (* tv_antenna_cable *) 242, (* tv_input_hdmi_1 *) 243, (* tv_input_hdmi_2 *) 244, (* tv_input_hdmi_3 *) 245, (* tv_input_hdmi_4 *) 246, (* tv_input_composite_1 *) 247, (* tv_input_composite_2 *) 248, (* tv_input_component_1 *) 249, (* tv_input_component_2 *) 250, (* tv_input_vga_1 *) 251, (* tv_audio_description *) 252, (* tv_audio_description_mix_up *) 253, (* tv_audio_description_mix_down *) 254, (* tv_zoom_mode *) 255, (* tv_contents_menu *) 256, (* tv_media_context_menu *) 257, (* tv_timer_programming *) 258, (* help *) 259, (* navigate_previous *) 260, (* navigate_next *) 261, (* navigate_in *) 262, (* navigate_out *) 263, (* stem_primary *) 264, (* stem_1 *) 265, (* stem_2 *) 266, (* stem_3 *) 267, (* dpad_up_left *) 268, (* dpad_down_left *) 269, (* dpad_up_right *) 270, (* dpad_down_right *) 271, (* media_skip_forward *) 272, (* media_skip_backward *) 273, (* media_step_forward *) 274, (* media_step_backward *) 275, (* soft_sleep *) 276, (* cut *) 277, (* copy *) 278, (* paste *) 279, (* system_navigation_up *) 280, (* system_navigation_down *) 281, (* system_navigation_left *) 282, (* system_navigation_right *) 283, (* all_apps *) 284, (* refresh *) 285); .. if TPlatformServices.Current.SupportsPlatformService(IFMXKeyMappingService, KeyMappingService) then begin for i := 0 to high(DefaultKeys) do KeyMappingService.RegisterKeyMapping(DefaultKeys[i], DefaultKeys[i], TKeyKind.Usual); end; Thanks, I use the code above which seem to work fine with the remotes. 1 Share this post Link to post
MarcioD 0 Posted May 13, 2024 (edited) CHackbart - thank you 🙂 Edited May 13, 2024 by MarcioD Share this post Link to post
MarcioD 0 Posted May 14, 2024 (edited) CHackbart - Do the "volume up, volume down and volume mute" keys work for you? Edited May 14, 2024 by MarcioD Share this post Link to post