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TFDQuery BindVisually to TStringGrid

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I have a TFDQuery that returns a row from record. When binding it visually to TStringGrid is it possible to invert it, so the field names are displayed in rows and values in columns?

I would like to do the same for TFDTable when visually binding it to TStringGrid.


Id   |  Name  |   Role             Id   | 1      | 2
 1   |  John  |   admin      ->    Name | John   | Jane
 2   |  Jane  |   user             Role | admin  | user

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It is not too complex to write the classes required to handle this, and decide how to orientate rows vs columns.


I did that for TMS TAdvStringGrid, where I first collect the data into a matrix (by column, then by row), then stuff the content into the grid in the orientation I prefer, automatically setting up the grid props, handling rows, cols, width sizing as well as titles, etc.

The matrix can be filled from a database query, or from a list of objects, or by code.


I wish I had time to do a rewrite for TStringGrid, as the lib has too much proprietary code to share as is. 

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