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[Delphi 10.3] How to use TSslHttpRest one more time?

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Good morning guys. I hope you are well!
In the example below I have 2 procedures. In the procedure test_1 the StatCode is 200, so far everything is ok!, but in the procedure test_2 the
StatCode is 400 (Bad resquest).

Do I have to do any more programming to close the api calls?


procedure tform1.teste_1;
     With SslHttpRest1 Do
       ContentTypePost := 'application/json';

       ExtraHeaders.Add( 'Store-Token: '+ WS_token_f);
       ExtraHeaders.Add( 'Authorization: token='+ WS_token_m);
       ExtraHeaders.Add( 'Authentication-Token: '+ WS_token_f );

       RestParams.PContent := PContBodyJson;
       StatCode := RestRequest(httpPOST, AddressWS, False, JSONObj.ToString);

       lsMsg := sLineBreak +
                'Headers: ' + sLineBreak +
                RcvdHeader.Text + sLineBreak +
                'Status code: ' + IntToStr(StatusCode) + sLineBreak +
                'nStatusCode: ' + IntToStr(nStatCode);


procedure tform1.teste_2;
     With SslHttpRest1 Do
       ContentTypePost := 'application/json';

       ExtraHeaders.Add( 'Store-Token: '+ WS_token_f);
       ExtraHeaders.Add( 'Authorization: token='+ WS_token_m);
       ExtraHeaders.Add( 'Authentication-Token: '+ WS_token_f );

       RestParams.PContent := PContBodyJson;
       StatCode := RestRequest(httpPOST, AddressWS, False, JSONObj.ToString);

       lsMsg := sLineBreak +
                'Headers: ' + sLineBreak +
                RcvdHeader.Text + sLineBreak +
                'Status code: ' + IntToStr(StatusCode) + sLineBreak +
                'nStatusCode: ' + IntToStr(nStatCode);




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To my eye, the two procedures seem to be identical, so I can only assume the different result is due to different parameters to the two procedures.  


BTW, since you are using the RawParams option in RestRequest, RestParams are ignored. 




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