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Using reFind to remove property of a specific component

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Does anyone know how to use reFind to remove a property for a specific component in a DFM? For example, remove BorderStyle from only TMemo components?


I have tried #remove TMemo:BorderStyle but that does not work for me the way #migrate TMemo:BorderStyle does. I have tried a few other things, but either no BorderStyle property values are removed or all of them are.



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I created RSS-1136. This is my first QP under the new portal. I suppose I need to figure out a way to enter a QP for the new portal. It seems odd that the list of "Components" is so limited. This QP does not fit under "IDE", but I couldn't find a better "Component" to specify.

Edited by JonRobertson

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On 6/13/2024 at 9:22 AM, Lajos Juhász said:

Unfortunately this is not implemented yet. You would have to enter a QP request.

Resolved: Works as Expected. :classic_wacko:


Given reFind is a tool mostly focused on migration to FireDAC, we don't plan expanding it to support other automatic processing scenarios...

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I hope one day they will change their mind on this matter. IMHO even when migrating db related components this would be useful.

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5 minutes ago, Lajos Juhász said:

I hope one day they will change their mind on this matter. IMHO even when migrating db related components this would be useful.

Or provide the source (not open source, just source like the RTL/VCL source) to active subscribers so we can adapt it as we need. I added a comment to the RSP but I probably need to create a new QP request since mine was closed as resolved.

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