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does not error handler - [FireDAC.Comp.Client CheckFieldCompatibility]

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asynchronous query execution loses field type errors


object FDQuery1: TFDQuery
  AfterOpen = FDQuery1AfterOpen
  OnPostError = FDQuery1PostError
  OnReconcileError = FDQuery1ReconcileError
  Connection = FDConnection1
  ResourceOptions.AssignedValues = [rvCmdExecMode]
  ResourceOptions.CmdExecMode = amAsync
  OnError = FDQuery1Error
  OnExecuteError = FDQuery1ExecuteError
  SQL.Strings = (
    'select '#39'qwerty'#39' as AnotherType')
  Left = 128
  Top = 96
  object FDQuery1AnotherType: TIntegerField
    FieldName = 'AnotherType'
    Origin = 'AnotherType'
    ReadOnly = True
    Required = True


FDQuery1.Open; // this is where the error gets lost


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Isn't your statement invalid for your case?

select 'qwerty' as AnotherType

This means: give the output of the field from the sql the name "AnotherType"

It seems you expect a kind of casting procedure from text to integer..




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Posted (edited)

the error is lost
I need to process it


in the example I showed one of the ways to handle such an error, but I want to handle it in a standard way in an event
I want this to be fixed in the embarcadero studio

Edited by zaikay

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