Dave Craggs 7 Posted July 8, 2024 Hi, I am struggling connecting to MSGraph and getting a working token back. If I put this in I do not get a code back. If I change it to token I get a token, but that does not give me access to MSGraph. I get ME - {"error":{"code":"InvalidAuthenticationToken","message":"Access token validation failure. Invalid audience.", I was thinking maybe a need to get a code first and then ask for the token. I am setting the scope to : https://graph.microsoft.com/.default Anyone done this? I have looked at GMailAuthDemo. https://github.com/geoffsmith82/GmailAuthSMTP/blob/master/GMailAuthDemo.dproj Anyone done this? Dave Craggs Share this post Link to post
Lars Fosdal 1835 Posted July 8, 2024 (edited) Found a description of "Invalid audience"-here https://stackoverflow.com/questions/75228773/access-token-validation-failure-invalid-audience-office-365-graph-api Spelunked and found this, but haven't tried it myself https://github.com/jfbilodeau/AzureRESTExample There also is this thread, but I am uncertain if it came to conclusion? OAuth2 isn't really a standard, but a guideline, and there can be fickle differences between implementations. I successfully do OAuth2 authentication to our ERP systems, using System.Net.HTTPClient THTTPClient, and simulating a form post. I couldn't get the REST OAuth component to work. In the source below, TRes is a TObject containing the properties of the expected response body from the authentication - which should contain your tokens. function TIONAPI.BuildStringStream(const NameValues: TNetHeaders): TStringStream; var Encoded, Sep : string; begin Sep := ''; Encoded := ''; for var item in NameValues do begin Encoded := Encoded + Sep + Item.Name + '=' + Encoder.EncodeForm(Item.Value); Sep := '&'; end; Result := TStringStream.Create(UTF8String(Encoded)); end; function TIONAPI.PostForm<TRes>(const aURL: string; const aFormFields: TNetHeaders; aExpectsResult: Boolean): TRes; var HTTPRequest: IHttpRequest; HttpResponse: IHttpResponse; ReqBody: TStringStream; ResStatus: Integer; ResContent: string; ReqHeaders: TNetHeaders; T: TStopWatch; begin Result := nil; ResStatus := 0; ReqBody := nil; FLastStatus := 0; FLastErrorMsg := ''; try try DebugOut(Format('HTTP %s %s', ['POST', aURL])); // DO NOT TRANSLATE try HTTPRequest := HTTP.GetRequest('POST', aURL); HTTPRequest.RemoveHeader('User-Agent'); HTTPRequest.SetCredential(IONCredentials.ResourceOwnerClientId, IONCredentials.ResourceOwnerClientSecret); ReqBody := BuildStringStream(aFormFields); HttpRequest.SourceStream := ReqBody; ReqHeaders := [ TNetHeader.Create('content-type', mime.ApplicationXwwwForm), // DO NOT TRANSLATE TNetHeader.Create('Expect', '100-continue') // DO NOT TRANSLATE // TNetHeader.Create('User-Agent', UserAgent); // DO NOT TRANSLATE ]; HTTP.PreemptiveAuthentication := True; T := TStopWatch.StartNew; HttpResponse := HTTP.Execute(HTTPRequest, nil, ReqHeaders); T.Stop; DebugOut('Status: ' + ResStatus.ToString + ' in ' + T.ElapsedMilliseconds.ToString+ ' ms'); if Assigned(HttpResponse) then begin ResStatus := HttpResponse.StatusCode; ResContent := HttpResponse.ContentAsString(TEncoding.UTF8); if (ResStatus = 200) then begin try T := TStopWatch.StartNew; Result := TJson.JsonToObject<TRes>(ResContent); except on E: Exception do begin DebugOutException(E, Format('TIONAPI.PostForm.%s<%s, %s> returned StatusCode: %d - but failed during conversion of "%s"', // DO NOT TRANSLATE [aURL, '', Result.ClassName, ResStatus, ResContent])); ResStatus := HTTPStatus.ExpectationFailed417; Result := nil; FLastErrorMsg := E.Message; end; end; end else begin Result := nil; end; end else begin ResStatus := HTTPStatus.NoResponse; ResContent := ''; Result := nil; end; except // Json Exception on E:Exception do begin DebugOutException(E); ResStatus := HTTPStatus.ExpectationFailed417; end; end; finally // DebugOut('Status: ' + ResStatus.ToString); ReqBody.Free; end; except // HTTP Exception on E: Exception do begin FLastStatus := ResStatus; FLastErrorMsg := E.Message; DebugOutException(E, Self.ClassName + '.PostForm'); // DO NOT TRANSLATE end; end; end; Edited July 8, 2024 by Lars Fosdal Fixed an incomplete sentence Share this post Link to post
Dave Craggs 7 Posted July 8, 2024 Thanks for the reply. Have looked at some of those links already. I think the issue is I am not getting the AuthCode Share this post Link to post
Dave Craggs 7 Posted July 12, 2024 The issue I am having is getting back a token with the wrong aud. Getting one fop Azure AD Graph (00000002-0000-0000-c000-000000000000) rather than Microsoft Graph.(00000003-0000-0000-c000-000000000000) Share this post Link to post