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iOS: Add external SDK to Build Process

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Hi everybody

from the documentation of an external SDK which I need to use in my app:



Build Process
This section describes how to add the XXXX SDK to your app's build process.

Swift Package Manager

If you are using Swift Package Manager (SPM), add the following to Package.swift :

.package(url: "https://git.XXXX...", .exact("x.y.z"))

or if you are developing in Xcode, you can do the following:
Go to Project->Package Dependencies
Click "+"
Enter package URL "https://git.XXXX..."
Set "Dependency Rule" to "Exact Version"
Change version to: x.y.z
Click "Add Package"

If you are using CocoaPods, add the following to your Podfile:

source 'https://git.XXXX.../CocoaPodSpecs'

Inside the target specification add the following:

pod 'XXXX', 'x.y.z'

install the CocoaPods using the command line:

pod install

Does anyone know what that means? What do I have to do to use this in Delphi 12? Is it possible at all?


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58 minutes ago, bcvs said:

Does anyone know what that means?

Yes, as I've used CocoaPods to download SDKs before. It will be easier though if they have a direct download of their SDK.


Which SDK is it?

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It's CardLink. a solution for visualizing medical e-Recipes.


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