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C++ Builder 11.3 CE - Windows 10 - new installation

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Hi. I had 2 years ago the problem to install the C++ Builder CE edition 10.4 after a new install of Windows 10 Pro.
The problem was the license (Free) could not be activated again. Another installation was not possible.
Is this still so or can I install my current license in a new Windows installation?


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CE licenses are good for only 1 year. You need to re-register a new CE license every year. 


That said, you should be able to reinstall CE using the same license up to 3 times a year before it expires. If you need to reinstall more times than that, then you'll have to contact Embarcadero for support.


You should install Windows fresh and then install the IDE and then make a backup. If you have to start over, restore the backup instead of starting fresh. 

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