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Bart Verbakel

Zoom forms in design mode

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hello all,


I just reinstalled Delphi because my community edition license has expired. Now I am using version11.3

Is there a possibility to zoom the forms in design mode, now the forms will cover only a small part of the screen and I don't want to use glasses during programming 😉



In the 'code' tab I can simply change font size, so that is not an issue.

I didn't experience this issue in previous delphi versions, or I can't remember the solution I used one year ago...




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Delphi 11.3 is running in DPI aware mode per default. You have basically two options:

  • in the High DPI designer options switch to automatic mode. That will scale the form according to the current Windows scaling and change all the positions and sizes in your DFMs
  • start the IDE in DPI unaware mode. There should be a suitable entry in your Windows start menu.

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