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Nicolò Blunda

Wrong controls position at design time (view don't save)

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When I open my project, the different views (Windows, macOS, Android 10'') always appear different from the ones I saved before closing the project.
The alignment and size of many controls (TPanel, TButtonn, etc...) revert to some values I didn't set.
The strange thing is that the FMX files don't seem to change (making a backup doesn't help)...
In particular, my Android views are set, by the "Orientation" property of the project, to open ONLY in landscape mode.
But, when I open the project, the view is always in portrait mode and, after rotating it, the controls appear in a different position than I set.
It's very, very frustrating!

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I had some similar experiences where I couldn't get it to work satisfactorily. We have customers with all sizes of phones and tablets. I ended up

writing most of the positioning and sizes of controls in code, only controls that are aligned to client are not set in code.

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Posted (edited)

Thank you very much.
I guess problem is generated from value "scale" in Alignement property inside Master view, necessary to turn responsive Desktop views of application.
So, i try set to "none" for this property in Android views.
I will say what is effect!

Edited by Nicolò Blunda

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