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TreeView Grid lines

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Hello everybody,
i am wondering if there is a property to control the appearance of TreeView Grid-lines in the VCL. The TTreeView Component has some properties like "LineMode" and "LineStyle", as well some "Colors" properties, but all these don't seem to affect the instance i want to change.
Is there maybe some property that "disables/overrides" Color and Line settings?


I am using C++ builder, Embarcadero® RAD Studio 11 (hoping this is enough info)

Thank you very much in advance and kind regards,

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While the component has no property you can send a message to the underlying win32 component. Everything you need is in Winapi.CommCtrl. There is a TreeView_SetLineColor to send a message. 


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6 hours ago, UCT_24 said:

all these don't seem to affect the instance i want to change.

It would help if you would show what you are looking at and explain exactly what you are trying to change in it. 

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Hi all, thanks for your replies.


It seems i missed the "TreeOptions -> "Paint Options" in the Object inspector. Sorry for this.
What was trying to was:

1.: Show grid lines in my Tree view

2.: Choose a color for those grid lines

In the "Paint Options" you find "toShowVertGridLines" and "toShowHorzGridLines".
Activating those does the trick.

There is also a GridLineColor given under "Colors" in the Object inspector.


Thanks a lot and kind regards,


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