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Openssl dll questions

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Using D12. I've just started playing with openssl, and thought how hard would it be calling the openssl libcrypto-3.dll.


Its a learning exercise more than anything. I'm trying to make a self signed X509 certifcate via the dll rather than the command line.

I havent played with returning struct from a C dll before.


Currently some of the call including the  X509_set_version(Cert, 2) call appears to work (not throw an error) but the X509_set_serialNumber(Cert, 1) and the X509_set_pubkey(Cert, PKey) throws an exceptions.


  • can I use a pointer to hold the return value to X509_new function?
  • can I use that pointer to pass into the other function?
  • or do I have to have a record that the struct is copied back into and then use that (I hope not)





  LIB_CRYPTO = 'libcrypto-3.dll';

  PX509 = Pointer;
  PBIO = Pointer;
  PEVP_PKEY = Pointer;
  PEVP_MD = Pointer;
  PX509_NAME = Pointer;

  // OpenSSL X509 functions
  function X509_new: PX509; cdecl; external LIB_CRYPTO name 'X509_new';
  procedure X509_free(cert: PX509); cdecl; external LIB_CRYPTO name 'X509_free';
  function X509_set_version(cert: PX509; version: Integer; ): Integer; cdecl; external LIB_CRYPTO name 'X509_set_version';
  function X509_set_serialNumber(cert: PX509; serial: Integer; ): Integer; cdecl; external LIB_CRYPTO name 'X509_set_serialNumber';
  function X509_set_subject_name(cert: PX509; name: PX509_NAME): Integer; cdecl; external LIB_CRYPTO name 'X509_set_subject_name';
  function X509_set_issuer_name(cert: PX509; name: PX509_NAME): Integer; cdecl; external LIB_CRYPTO name 'X509_set_issuer_name';
  function X509_set_pubkey(cert: PX509; pkey: PEVP_PKEY): Integer; cdecl; external LIB_CRYPTO name 'X509_set_pubkey';
  function X509_sign(cert: PX509; pkey: PEVP_PKEY; md: PEVP_MD): Integer; cdecl; external LIB_CRYPTO name 'X509_sign';

  // Key management functions
  function EVP_PKEY_new: PEVP_PKEY; cdecl; external LIB_CRYPTO name 'EVP_PKEY_new';
  procedure EVP_PKEY_free(pkey: PEVP_PKEY); cdecl; external LIB_CRYPTO name 'EVP_PKEY_free';
  function EVP_PKEY_generate_key: PEVP_PKEY; cdecl; external LIB_CRYPTO name 'EVP_PKEY_keygen';

function CreateSelfSignedCert(CommonName, Country, Organization, OrganizationalUnit: string;
  ValidDays: Integer; out ACertificate, APrivateKey: TBytes): Boolean;


function CreateSelfSignedCert(CommonName, Country, Organization, OrganizationalUnit: string;
  ValidDays: Integer; out ACertificate, APrivateKey: TBytes): Boolean;
  Cert: PX509;
  Name: PX509_NAME;
  Digest: PEVP_MD;
  CertBio, KeyBio: PBIO;
  Result := False;
  Cert := X509_new;

  if Cert = nil then

    // Set certificate version to v3 as its self signed
    if X509_set_version(Cert, 2) <> 1 then

    // Set serial number
    if X509_set_serialNumber(Cert, 1) <> 1 then

    // Generate a new key
    PKey := EVP_PKEY_new;
    if PKey = nil then
      PKey := EVP_PKEY_generate_key();
      if PKEY = nil then

      // Set public key for the certificate
      if X509_set_pubkey(Cert, PKey) <> 1 then

      // Set certificate subject and issuer (self-signed, so both are the same)

      // Set validity period

      // Sign the certificate

      // Write the certificate to TBytes

      Result := True;



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You can read the sources of Indy to look how it works (with the OpenSSL 1.0.2u, the Indy develop with RAD Studio use this version). Look at guthub repo for more upgrades (https://github.com/IndySockets).


Another way is to look how ICS works (https://wiki.overbyte.eu/wiki/index.php/ICS_Download or via GetIt).



Edited by DelphiUdIT
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Hi, sorry with the delay in responding, got busy on a different project. Wow ICS is awesome, have been playing with it for a short while and it's definiitely the way to go.


Thanks again for pointing me to this.

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