mazluta 0 Posted November 2 i have rest server witch listen to port 8090. it suppose to get JSON with some params. i have web APP that run in some domain - the server is in localhost :8090 on the client side i do : procedure TSignedDocumentsFrm.DoSignDocument_CA(PdfFileName : String); var HttpClient : TNetHTTPClient; Response : IHTTPResponse; JsonData : TStringStream; AppUrl : String; ResultPdfFileName : String; SignServerAddress : String; PdfBase64 : String; JpgBase64 : String; EncrtpPassWord : String; begin PdfBase64 := dm_Image.ImgToBase64(PdfFileName); JpgBase64 := dm_Image.ImgToBase64(UniMainModule.UserDataRec.User_Logo_FileName); EncrtpPassWord := EncryptStringCK(UniMainModule.UserDataRec.User_TokenPassword, AppEncryPass); JustWriteToLog('EncrtpPassWord = ' + EncrtpPassWord); SignServerAddress := UniMainModule.UserDataRec.User_CA_Sign_HttpAddrs + ':' + IntToStr(UniMainModule.UserDataRec.User_CA_Sign_Port) + '/sign'; JustWriteToLog('SignServerAddress : ' + SignServerAddress); Try JsonData := TStringStream.Create('{"PdfBase64Type": "base64", ' + ' "PdfBase64": "' + PdfBase64 + '", ' + ' "JpgBase64Type": "base64",' + ' "JpgBase64": "' + JpgBase64 + '", ' + ' "LogoTop": ' + IntToStr(UniMainModule.UserDataRec.User_Logo_Top) + ',' + ' "LogoLeft": ' + IntToStr(UniMainModule.UserDataRec.User_Logo_Left) + ',' + ' "LogoWidth": ' + IntToStr(UniMainModule.UserDataRec.User_Logo_Width) + ',' + ' "LogoHeight": ' + IntToStr(UniMainModule.UserDataRec.User_Logo_Height) + ',' + ' "CheckTokenStr": "' + UniMainModule.UserDataRec.User_Token_SerialNO + '",' + ' "CardSerialNO": "' + UniMainModule.UserDataRec.User_Token_SerialNO + '",' + ' "EncrptPassword": "' + EncrtpPassWord + '",' + ' "ReasonToSign": "' + UniMainModule.UserDataRec.User_SignReason + '",' + ' "ImageOpacity": ' + IntToStr(UniMainModule.UserDataRec.User_ImageOpacity) + '}', TEncoding.UTF8); AppUrl := UniApplication.UniSession.URL; if AppUrl[Length(AppUrl)] = '/' then begin AppUrl[Length(AppUrl)] := ' '; AppUrl := Trim(AppUrl); end; HttpClient := TNetHTTPClient.Create(nil); //HttpClient.CustomHeaders['Origin'] := AppUrl;; HttpClient.CustomHeaders['Content-Type'] := 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded'; HttpClient.PreemptiveAuthentication := true; JustWriteToLog('After Set HttpClient Origin to : ' + AppUrl); // Set request content type to JSON HttpClient.ContentType := 'application/json'; //HttpClient.Accept := 'application/json'; // Send POST request with JSON data JustWriteToLog('Before Post Data to Server'); JustWriteToLog('JsonData = ' + JsonData.ToString); Response := HttpClient.Post(SignServerAddress, JsonData); // Check response if Response.StatusCode = 200 then begin ResultPdfFileName := RemoveBackSlashChar(UniServerModule.LocalCachePath) + '\MyResult.Pdf'; Base64ToPDF(Response.ContentAsString,ResultPdfFileName); //JustWriteToLog(Response.ContentAsString); //ShowMessage('Response: ' + Response.ContentAsString); end else begin ShowMessage('Error: ' + Response.StatusText); end; finally JsonData.Free; HttpClient.Free; end; end; on the server side i have : procedure TMyWebModule.WebModuleBeforeDispatch(Sender: TObject; Request: TWebRequest; Response: TWebResponse; var Handled: Boolean); begin JustWriteToLog('start dispath'); JustWriteToLog('Request.Method = ' + Request.Method); Response.CustomHeaders.Values['Access-Control-Allow-Origin'] := '*'; Response.CustomHeaders.Values['Access-Control-Allow-Headers'] := 'Origin, X-Requested-With, Content-Type, Accept'; Response.CustomHeaders.Values['Access-Control-Allow-Methods'] := 'GET, POST, PUT, DELETE, OPTIONS'; Response.CustomHeaders.Values['Access-Control-Allow-Credentials'] := 'true'; Response.CustomHeaders.Values['Access-Control-Allow-Private-Network'] := '*'; Response.CustomHeaders.Values['Access-Control-Expose-Headers'] := ''; Response.CustomHeaders.Values['Access-Control-Max-Age'] := '86400'; JustWriteToLog('On WebModuleBeforeDispatch - After Set Response.SetCustomHeader Access-Control-Allow-Origin' ); if Trim(Request.GetFieldByName('Access-Control-Request-Headers')) <> '' then begin JustWriteToLog('On WebModuleBeforeDispatch - Trim(Request.GetFieldByName(Access-Control-Request-Headers))'); Response.CustomHeaders.Values['Access-Control-Allow-Headers'] := Request.GetFieldByName('Access-Control-Request-Headers'); Handled := True; end; if SameText(Request.Method, 'OPTIONS') then begin JustWriteToLog('On WebModuleBeforeDispatch - if SameText(Request.Method, Option)'); Response.StatusCode := 204; // No Content Handled := True; end; end; something is blocking the request. and i don't no what.... i close firewall + AV i don't see where and who block my call i don't get any message in the logs (not in the client and not in the server), except "...connection can not be...." i don't see any error in the console.log. When I run both app in my localhost - all work fine and i get CA digital Sign PDF File Share this post Link to post
corneliusdavid 214 Posted November 4 On 11/2/2024 at 1:07 PM, mazluta said: i close firewall + AV I'm not sure what you mean by this but I'd first check the Windows Firewall on the server to make sure it has port 8090 open. This is almost always the case for me when I'm testing client/server app and it works find locally but not to a remote server. Share this post Link to post
mazluta 0 Posted November 4 Hi. thanks for your answer. i close the Firewall. i close the AV. i add inbound roll to open port TCP 8090 for CORS it should "Ask" the server in the local for permition and i respond "OK" for CORS, but it did not rich to this "question". i even don't know what is blocking? where is it blocking? who is blocking> Share this post Link to post
Olli73 5 Posted November 4 "Access-Control-Allow-Origin: *" and Credentials / "Access-Control-Allow-Credentials: true" do not work together. Try with "Access-Control-Allow-Origin: null" or better a propper address. Share this post Link to post