limelect 48 Posted Tuesday at 08:22 AM I want your help Chrome (google) stopped finding a search amount of 100 As for that, I would like to make a small application that adds &num=100 to the search link. (I checked and it works). I would like some sources for 1. find the active search link on my Chrome 2. most importantly, write it back to the link after adding the above. 3. I do not care for the others as I work only with Chrome Any idea?help? Share this post Link to post
limelect 48 Posted Tuesday at 08:29 AM I have added this to Chrome But it still nice to get help Share this post Link to post
limelect 48 Posted 16 hours ago This is what I came up to now and I do not get the inside text function GetActivePageUrlFromChrome(Handle: HWnd; Param: LParam): Bool; stdcall; var List: TStrings; hWndChrome, hWndChromeChild: HWND; Buffer: array[0..255] of Char; begin List := TStrings(Param); hWndChrome := FindWindowEx(0, 0, 'Chrome_WidgetWin_1', 0); if hWndChrome <> 0 then begin hWndChromeChild := FindWindowEx(hWndChrome, 0, 'Chrome_RenderWidGetHostHWND', 0); if hWndChromeChild <> 0 then begin SendMessage(hWndChromeChild, WM_GETTEXT, Length(Buffer), integer(@Buffer)); List.Add(Buffer); end; end; Result := True; end; Share this post Link to post