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Escaping characters in HttpRest.RestParams.AdditemSO

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I need to send the following line in the request:

S := 'aaa'+#29+'bbb'

If I do this

soNode.AsArray.s[0] := S;

then it is sent as

If I escape myself:

S := 'aaa\u001dbbb';

then the result:

This is a strange result. Why does this happen?

In TRestParams.AddItemSO, escaping when getting from ISuperObject is disabled:

        Items[Index].PValue := aValue.AsJson(false,false) { no indent, no escape }

At the same time, in RestRequest:

EncParams := AnsiString(IcsStrRemCntlsA(EncParams));

where "Source^ < IcsSpace" replaced with '~'.

Yes, I found a solution:

HttpRest.RestParams.AddItem('codes', soNode.AsJSon(False,true),True);

but it doesn't look very logical when using SuperObject

I don't understand the logic of not full escaping when using AddItemSO.

In this case, when escape=False, in TSuperObject.Write DoMinimalEscape is executed instead of DoEscape, which escapes '\', but does not escape char < #32
Perhaps this is a mistake?

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Sorry, no quick answer. 


The issue here is avoiding multiple escaping with nested escaped objects. which is why some AddItem overloads have an ARaw parameter to skip escaping, but not AddItemSO. 


I'll need to look carefully at this so as not to break anything, mat be a while.




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