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Ian Branch

TypeInfo Issue..

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Hi Team,

Delphi 12.2.

I have the following line:

  ShowMessage('State: ' + System.TypeInfo.GetEnumName(TypeInfo(TDataSetState), Ord(APD.State)) + '.  Job # = ' + IntToStr(APD.JobNo));

I tried adding System.TypeInfo to the uses clause but Delphi complains it can't compile it.

The issue I have here with this line of code is that Delphi tells me it expects a '(' but found a ',' after the TypeInfo.

I checked the code at https://docwiki.embarcadero.com/CodeExamples/Athens/en/TypInfoGetEnumName_(Delphi) and I am consistant with it.

Have I missed something or is this a bug?


Regards & TIA,



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26 minutes ago, havrlisan said:

You've got a typo: it's not System.TypeInfo, it's System.TypInfo

Doh!  Well, isn't that counter intuitive...

Speaks volumes about how we 'journalise' when we read..

Thank you.  All sorted now.



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